24" x 18"
Acrylic polymer on canvas
The photo isn't up to 'snuff,' and I will retake it when the glare is not out there.
(From Hobbie: My daDDy just came home wif sum bad news. Our friend Bart Hager wuz playing wif his 11-year-old male cat named Rascal yesterday and Rascal suddenly stood up and rolled over dead. They wuz playing gentle wif one of rascal's toyz. Nothing hard. He thinks it may have been a heart failure. Bart is devastated cuz Rascal wuz all Bart haz. Now Rascal is at Rainbow Bridge. Say a prayer for him and Bart.)
From Jon: Bart doesn't blog. He is a graduate sculptor and engineer. He spends his free time exploring his considerable genius, building model planes with real jet engines, designing incredible electronic things and listening to his fantastic rooftop quad stereo system. He lives in the top floor of an old downtown brick building with a giant flat roof. Bart is the spitting image of TV's traveling chef Anthony Bourdain, but he can't cook anything beyond a microwave. He is the best friend I have made in this town since returning 5 years ago. Rascal was his companion. He is devastated.
After a decent interval I will take Bart to the Humane Society to look at kittens. It is the least I can do.
loss until he is ready to get another kitty. We could use his take on life. The painting is great.