Yup, it's really me. Time to get a post up that doesn't have pictures of snow in it. I realized that I way overdue when Kevin mentioned that he was home in time for winter in Australia. Looks like I missed spring, we're pretty much into summer here already, warm, and sometimes humid and unlike last year this time; in need of rain.
Last spring and early summer was so wet that all the tomato plants and potatoes were lost to blight. The first planting of squash and cukes was lost to frost. This year is much better. I planted pumpkin, cukes, and squash from seed and they have already germinated, and there is no sing of frost in the 10 forecast, so they will be safe.
Not much has been going on, which I probably why I haven't posted lately. I am thinking of buying a new man-toy, so expect a blog about that soon. When I think about something, it happens sooner or later, and since this man-toy is a summer item, it might as well happen sooner.
Donna is still lacking confidence for driving the rig, and we really haven't had time to camp yet anyway. So, if things go ok, I'll be cooking a seasoned boneless lamb leg over a wood fire tomorrow for dinner. Backyard camping is the next best thing to being there.
Yesterday I went with my buddy for his monthly visit to the pain clinic, 70 miles away, and we had time to stop at his campsite on the way. He keeps his rig at A KOA year'round, and I must admit that I envied the people in the site behind his. That site didn't look like much when it was empty, but when folks moved in and set up their deck, including a stone wall, it now looks really inviting--just the right mix of shade and sun under an apple tree. Yup, I wished it was me and our rig!
Hopefully I am past whatever it was that delayed this post for so long, and I will return soon with more significant content, even if it's only something more interesting that not much of anything.
Happy summer, and of course, take time to remember what this three-day weekend is about.