It turned out to be eight days until the guys from the local phone company came yesterday to install "THE PACKAGE"! Yup, we are as modern as we can get with premium TV, high-speed Internet (which seems to work well) and unlimited long distance phone service, which isn't really unlimited (but that's another blog).
So, it's nice to be back in the world. I'm behind on reading blogs, and I didn't get to post one last Friday for Donna's B-day. But at her age, I guess it doesn't matter too much. She's had a bunch of them already, and she's young enough to have more.
Now, for the subject of the post: I had already mentioned that all the tomato plants died. Not just ours, but all the tomato plants in the area. The same blight that caused the Irish Potato Famine killed the tomatoes, and probably the potatoes, but I haven't tried to dig them yet. We got a dozen or so peppers that are very tasty, and we also got this:

That isn't an odd-shaped watermelon. It's a zucchini! Usually when they get that big they're mostly hollow and full of seeds, but not this one! It was excellent fried with onions (although we only used about half tonight). We also harvested some yellow squash, and there are a few more bunches of those on the way. Hopefully the frost will hold off long enough for them to mature.
Hard to believe that summer is over already. The hospital stay and all the rain in the early months prevented very much outdoor activity, and when it finally got warm, it was still wet and lawns needed mowing every few days. I got my chainsaw back from my buddy and I still have a good number of logs to cut and split, and afternoon temps in the 60s is perfect for that. Hopefully I can keep my $399 piece of crap Huskavarna working long enough to get through the load. It has something called a "power tip", and that's one of those inventions that shouldn't be used just because it exists. I spent as much time cleaning jammed saw dust out of the power tip this afternoon as I did cutting.
Fall colors aren't much to look at around here this year either. A few leaves are down already, and what isn't is yellow or brown. When conditions are right, the colors are beautiful, but this isn't going to be one of those years.
But life goes on... Happy Fall!