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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Rain (And Other Things) But Mostly R a I N

Rain (And Other Things) But Mostly R a I N

Seems like I've been running my tail of since I got out of the hospital, and that must be three weeks ago by now. The property was a mess, with everything overgrown due to days of rain. The rain hasn't stopped, but at least we've been getting two or three nice days between downpours. A severe t-storm watch has been issued for this afternoon, but it's already so wet out since this morning's rain, that I wasn't planning to go outside today anyway.

After I though I was caught up on everything that needed to be done, some branches blew down and I had to take time out to burn them. And after the heavy rain the other night--an inch in an hour, or so, I noticed that some of the caulking on the coach needs to be replaced. Looks like the end caps are pulling away from the body. I mentioned it to my buddy when he stopped by, and he said his rig is dong the same ting. Looks like moisture gets to the particle board over time, and it expands. Nothing to do about it except to re-caulk and keep any new moisture out. Of course I can't continue with that project until the weather gets nice again, and that probably won't happen for a few days. But at least I got the worst part done before I mowed yesterday.

I read Fredo's recent post about why he's wearing long sleeves, and although the over-night low was 41 for to consecutive mornings, it hasn't been quite as bad during the day. Temps in the 70s are actually nice working weather!

The plants that didn't die in the June (yup, June) frost are doing well. We actually have a few green tomatoes on the plants already!

I have a routine appointment with the doc next Tuesday. I was dong Ok when I got out of the hospital, but some evenings I was too exhausted to do anything after dinner. That has passed. Now I need a replacement for the BP med that the surgeons don't want me to use any longer. Donna's BP cuff says my BP is high, but I think it's because the cuff is too small. The pressure was Ok in the hospital and Ok on one of these machines at the drug store!

The job we had lined up for the first 3 weeks of July isn't happening. The people were supposed to go to Australia for three weeks, but something had come up and they had to cancel. Sometimes things happen for the best, although I was counting on the $$ to pay back bills and the school tax in September. But the thought of getting everything done here and spending time going back and forth between the business we'd be watching is overwhelming.

Thunder storms are popping up on radar, but for the moment, the sun is shining here. I think I'll go make myself useful for a few hours before dinner. If you're up north; stay warm. If you're unfortunate enough to be in the southwest; stay cool.

posted on July 16, 2009 11:22 AM ()

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