We went to Wal-mart on the way home after doing a favor for Donna's friend, and I had both crates along since we had been away over night. One crate has solid sides with vents at the top and a gate on the front. The other crate is made completely of thin metal bars and is open to the air on all four sides and the top. So I put the boyz in the open-air crate with a white cloth on top to reflect the heat of the sun. We were also hauling a washer and dryer, so we parked with the dog box in the shade of the dryer. At 3 in the afternoon the sun was no longer overhead, so the white cloth on the crate really wasn't an issue any longer because of the shade from the dryer.
I'm getting out of the truck and some guy asks me if the dogs are Ok. I say, "sure, why not?" Donna didn't quite hear what was said, and the matter was quickly forgotten.
A few minutes later I come out of the store first and put the groceries in the truck and give the boyz water, although Benny is the only one who drank. Donna came out of the store a few minutes later and we prepared to leave the parking lot when she asked what the paper was under the windshield wiper.
I hadn't noticed it, so I reached out and grabbed it. This is what I found....

Perhaps this wiseass doesn't realize that issues arise when animals are left INSIDE closed vehicles! People sit under tarps and tents and awnings all the time on hot days! What the hell did he think was going to happen to the boyz? Was he too stoopid to realize that I put the boyz in the wire crate for a good reason?
I am in favor of people intervening if they see an animal in danger, but not at the exclusion of good judgment. Maybe this moron would have me leave the boyz inside the truck behind the tinted glass so he couldn't see them. Too bad the asshole didn't wait around so I could have had a few words with him. I would have pointed out, for one thing, that the carrier in my cart contained Arby--the guinea pig--since it was too hot to leave him inside the truck and too unsafe to leave him in the truck bed.
Hope you enjoyed the rant. And if you happen to be an idiot with poor judgment, learn to keep your opinions to yourself until you learn how to reason properly. And by all means, have a nice day.