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Just Simply Put

Life & Events > What the Bleep Bleep ! and More Bleep Bleeping!

What the Bleep Bleep ! and More Bleep Bleeping!

Looks like I will have to explain myself with all the bleeping going on here. You see I thought I would tame down my 'observations of the world'. Which means I shall try my best not to swear. It's mighty hard on a day like today though.

So I don't know if you guys have different colds where you live (or for that matter even if you get cold weather). You see here in Nova Scotia I been blessed with lovely, fantastic, peachy, wet cold or a damp cold. This is a thousand times different than a dry cold. I will try my best to explain, you may correct me if I am wrong. A wet cold has something to do with the humidity in the air. Obviously a wet cold will have more humid air than a dry cold. (See how awesome I am at describing things !!)

In short simple terms :

A wet cold = TEN TIMES COLDER !!

So for example if it is -45 (with the wind chill ) in Alberta it would feel the same if it were
-30 here with the wind chill ( I think that might be around -22 Fahrenheit).
Alberta would have the dry cold.... and us poor folks would get the wet cold. The kind of cold that goes to your bones and chews at it like a crazy dog on the loose. A cold where your snot freezes in place. A cold where you aren't quite sure if your arse cheeks are still there or not. A cold where it could be used as botox as since your face is now stuck in one position.

So today, it was -30 ish with the wind chill.

This is freeze your BLEEP BLEEP OFF type of cold.
Where your breath gets taken out of you, as soon as you step outside.

AND THERE WAS guys wearing vests? WTF? Stop making me look pathetic !!! A vest and sweater are you serious...??? My legs were starting to freeze.
I was stumbling around like an idiot because my muscles were too cold to coordinate correctly. ( And I have this fat on my body WHY??? its not keeping me any warmer ).
And there are students who are lucky enough (or spoiled enough for mommyize or daddy to pay ) to have a car. And they I am sure were smiling, GLOATING No doubt!!! Rubbing it in!! That they were in a nice warm car and I was stuck IN THE COLD! If I could unattach my finger from the rest of my hand I would give them a middle finger. But my hand was frozen shut. Okay, Okay, I am not that bitter.

So I am sure there is colder weather out there. But, I think I might be able to make someone else feel better if they know that someone, somewhere is colder than they are.

And that someone is me.

posted on Jan 26, 2009 1:50 PM ()

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