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My Little Place On The Web

Computing & Technology > Blogging > It's All About You! Pt 1

It's All About You! Pt 1

Well, as promised, here it is. The blog about you. Here are a FEW of the things I've learned or liked from SOME of you. There should be more to follow.

nittineedles - how to savour (special Canadian spelling just for her!) each day with its various activities. Have you ever noticed how her blogs ooze with enthusiasm. Her vacation posts, despite some negative circumstances, do not end in defeat. Even on her busy days, she makes time to do what she really loves - KNIT!

elkhound - is a "new" friend for me. I've not been reading her long, but I like what I've read so far. She works a job that requires her to make a decision every day - to be positive, upbeat and friendly to the people who come into contact with her (and she sees a lot of them, even if only briefly) or just get the job done and send them on their way. She chooses the former, daily. From what I've read (from others), she's kind and thoughtful. I think she's one of those down-to-earth, nice people that you would really enjoy drinking coffee with every morning at the local mybloggers spoon. Maybe I should start dropping in at Sum's MyBloggers and do just that! She is, as her profile reads, "quite fantastic!"

looserobes - is interesting. I enjoy his humorous posts (he even draws his own cartoons!) as well as the serious ones. We established from the very beginning that it was possible to have a dialog without offending each other or being offended by our quite divergent world-views. He's witty and compassionate. I hope to get a judge like him if ever I find myself in trouble with the law (God forbid!).

cindy - I don't know her well, but I remember her from way back at 'the other place'. She seems to be EVERYONE'S friend, like that popular girl in high school who, in spite of her popularity, had time for everyone and wasn't stuck up. Her posts are often educational, often laced with a personal touch about some other blogger, and sometimes humorous. No wonder she's so close to the top of the Most Read list all the time.

draco - well....what can I say? He is opinionated in a refreshing kind of way. However, I remember recently reading an open apology he wrote to another blogger. You can't beat that, can you? I'm entertained by his posts which are as varied as the colors of the rainbow. Sometimes, he touches serious subjects. Other times, he touches subjects such as "over-sized models". It's always something new and cheeky. He, too, would fill out the friendly table at the mybloggers spoon with interesting conversation. 'nuff said. hehe

sumkinda**** - talk about interesting. She can switch from laughing and posting GREAT recipes (she gives us ALL the ingredients, she says) to posting the most heart-wrenching details of her personal life. That is courage. After all, you CAN do that on the WWW. I just read her most recent post and could have cried right along with her. She's learning about herself and teaching us all in the process. Thanks, sum, for being so transparent. While most of us just post the things that are favorable and good, you tell it like is.

elfie33 - has fun quizzes! I've never personally won any of them, but they ARE fun. My only question is: Do the winners really get those gift baskets

or is that all a hoax? LOL Additionally, she has the most interesting avatars of anyone I've ever seen. Did she REALLY run over her ex? Does her medicine REALLY have lizard spit in it? LOL Her page is WAAAAYYYY to funny.

Well, that's it for now. I'll continue this later when my muse returns. Until then, carry on!!

posted on Sept 11, 2008 6:02 AM ()


Many thanx for the plug. I read as many other bloggers here as I have time for and often get ideas from them (like my floating bottle post today).
comment by looserobes on Sept 11, 2008 4:43 PM ()
Ok Jeremy, I'll confess I didn't run him over...yet. Yes my medicine really does have lizard spit in it(least that's what they tell me, kinda freaks me out too) ...and the gift baskets...well the pictures are nice aren't they? that's about all I can afford. Glad I can help you smile. *hugs*
comment by elfie33 on Sept 11, 2008 12:46 PM ()
comment by marta on Sept 11, 2008 12:30 PM ()
Thank you, Jeremy. You are the kewlest pastor I've ever met and you knit, too.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 11, 2008 12:01 PM ()

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