For the first time in my life (I think), I jogged 3mi. at the track without stopping, in 31m:05s. Now if I could just find a way to shave 20 seconds off my mile to make it 1mi/10mins.

Baby steps.
In other news, out town is dead. This is "Holy Week", a misnomer if I've ever heard one. These "Catholics" certainly don't celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord at church. I think they're all at the beach, at least the ones that aren't out at the park where the track is. It was pretty crowded out there, too. It is, in fact, the week of highest alcohol related deaths of the whole year. Sadly, symbolism has replaced substance in many of the religions of the world. Small wonder a Google search for Semana Santa en Mexico yielded this ready result.

Well, my stomach tells me it's about time to go out and get my favorite nighttime snack/supper...yoghurt with chopped fruit and granola.
Jenn and I are becoming so healthy, you might just find us on the cover of some magazine someday. LOL