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My Little Place On The Web

Life & Events > Mind Blown

Mind Blown

COVID-19, Corona virus, quarantine, daily press briefings, masks, etc. This has never happened in my lifetime. My children will have a completely different frame of reference for childhood than I do.

I'm working from home and eschewing any face to face appointments, as the majority of my clients are in the vulnerable age bracket. Fortunately, CMS and the carriers have allowed telephonic enrollments for Medicare Advantage plans. I got a client signed up today! Day's work is done. Sort of.

In other, very exciting news, our church has merged with another church in our neighborhood. I'm now the pastor of a blended congregation and it is such a wonderful opportunity. I'm humbled they have chosen Jennifer and me to lead them and that our current congregation is all in favor. We are leaving behind an old, dilapidated building and taking with us a vibrant Sunday School program (something they didn't have). Neither group is in debt and everyone has been cooperating and sharing so graciously. I never imagined the process would be this pleasant. To God be the glory. We are looking forward to renewing our efforts at the new location as soon as the guidelines will allow it. Obviously, now with heightened awareness about personal space, hand hygiene and physical contact.

I trust you are all well. Stay encouraged and find something fun to do. I've been baking lots of bread, cinnamon rolls, sourdough and buttermilk loaves. Trying my hand at kombucha, sourdough starter, keifer and fermented sauerkraut. We are that granola, home-schooled family with chickens in the back yard and a desire to have a goat. I wanna try my hand at goat cheese!

Until later, be safe and carry on!

posted on Apr 7, 2020 10:31 AM ()


Congratulations on the church merger - it's a promise of good things to come in the future. Social distancing is so opposite of how church congregations deal with social disruptions - hugging is a big part of their road to recovery.
comment by traveltales on Apr 25, 2020 2:37 PM ()
I hope you are not meeting in group whether old or new church!

Happy Easter.
comment by greatmartin on Apr 8, 2020 11:24 AM ()
No, Martin, no groups inside. Just drive-in services in the parking lot. No carhopping allowed. Happy Easter to you as well.
reply by jerms on Apr 9, 2020 6:22 AM ()
Oh dear! A goat will get you when you are least looking for it and it is all in the spirit of fun. For her.
comment by elderjane on Apr 7, 2020 2:30 PM ()
Lol. I don't think the city would even allow it! I constantly worry that someone will be irritated by the squawking that goes on when one of my hens lays an egg!
reply by jerms on Apr 9, 2020 6:20 AM ()
You guys were homeschooling before this? If so, virtual high five! I’ve found the change pretty rough. I’m not a teacher but I’m trying.
Congrats on the new church! Hopefully by summer it will go back to in person services.
Take care
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 7, 2020 10:50 AM ()
Yes, we were! It's a full time job, but Jennifer does a great job with it. Don't be discouraged by the "learning" curve. Once you settle into a rhythm and everyone adjusts, you might start enjoying some of the perks! I'm sure you're doing fine.
reply by jerms on Apr 9, 2020 6:18 AM ()

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