This is living! I'm at Starbucks in Guadalajara (yes, we have several and yes, we have electricity) with two beautiful women (my colleagues, *wink, wink*), surfing the web, blogging, watching people walk by and making plans for the rest of the day. It's cloudy and consequently cooler. Marg, included in said plans is a trip to the yarn section of the city. I plan to take pictures for you. I seriously doubt that there are any exotic wools or mohairs or whatever other fancy, specialty stuff, but we enjoy going and picking up a few things. We'll also stop by the book store and the music store. Beans just went up two pesos per kilo and show signs of going up some more. I buy them here in the big market and take them back to Ocotlan to sell at the wholesale rate. The only thing I get out of it is the satisfaction of knowing that I've helped out their family economy just a little bit. I bought rice this time, too.
Well, lest I appear anti-social, I shall sign off now. Carry on, MyBloggersville!