I've probably beat most of you getting up this morning, unless you're one of those people who have to get up throughout the night to...well, you know....go to the restroom, check on the kids, check your email, etc. Sunday is my busiest day and today is especially busy. In addition to our regularly scheduled activities here at the church, we are hosting the area-wide rally at 6:00pm. I told everyone to come to Sunday School in work clothes. As soon as class is over, we will clean this place up and get ready for our visitors. Normally, we serve a meal afterward, but this month I chose to serve only coffee and sweet bread.

Everyone seems to be struggling financially right now with the return to classes and all. Putting out a meal for all those people would have been an added burden I wasn't interested in putting on them.
So, here's to hard work and good times. I'm looking forward to today and I hope you are, too.
Duh....I just realized due to time zones, some of you probably beat me getting up. *smacks forehead*