Well today I have been to visit my Auntie Maureen, she taught me to knit by hand and on a knitting machine and we have had some great fun over the years she even gave me my first knitting machine however I don't think I will ever be up to her standard she can knit 4 jumpers a day on her machine I can barely manage 1 lol, over the years and several house moves she has acquired what I believe to be the biggest stash of yarn I have ever seen and today when we went to visit we have come home with 2 new knitting machines which leaves her with a total of 13 machines. and about 150 comes of wool. Now I know some of you wont believe me about how big her stash is so I took the liberty of taking some photos these were taken AFTER I helped myself to the cones I brought home with me.......

This is a typical single Garage and as you can see apart from what obviously is not wool every bag in the picture is full of every kind of wool you can imagine and she also told me there is an equal amount in her Attic ITS AMAZING I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED ABOUT WOOL SHE IS TRULY A MASTER KNITTER AND STASH BUILDER and the best thing is she has told me to take as Attic as I want oooooo