Michael Shepherd


Michael Shepherd
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Hobbies & Games > Knitted Swing Jacket Free Pattern

Knitted Swing Jacket Free Pattern

I have been saying for the last couple of days that I would add this pattern but only just got round to it due to recent circumstances but that's another post right the pattern is as follows......


I have patterns for the following UK sizes 8-10-12-14-16-18-20

This pattern is going to be for the UK size 18 which seems to be a more common size nowadays if anyone wants the other sizes please message me I would be more than happy to give them to you.

Measurements- UK 18 40" Bust

Materials- 10 x 100g Wendy Origin or Any Curly/Furry Chunky Wool one that knits quite dense.
size 5mm needles
3x buttons approx 1.5"

Tension- Yarn used knit as chunky to this tension: 14sts and 24 rows to measure 4x4" over stocking stitch using 5mm needles.


CO- Cast On
K- Knit
P- Purl
BO- Bind Off/Cast Off
St st- Stocking Stitch
Dec- Decrease
Alt- Alternate
CM- Centimeters
RS- Right Side
WS- Wrong Side
Beg- Begining
Tog- Together
Inc- Increase
Patt- Pattern
Rep- Repeat

BACK- CO 106 sts using 5mm needles K 4 rows, starting with a K row, work in St st until back measures 14.5"/37cm from the CO edge finishing on a WS row.

Shape Armholes- BO 3 sts at the beg of next 2 rows. (100sts)
Dec 1 st at each end of next 5 rows then on following 4 alt rows(82sts) continue straight until armhole measures 5"-12.5cm. finishing on a WS row.

Shape Pleat- Next row (RS) K27 BO next 28 sts (for Pleat) K to end. (54sts) continue across next row and St st until armhole measures 8.5"-22cm finishing on a ws row.

Shape Shoulders- BO 6 sts at beg next 2 rows then 7 sts at beg of following 2 rows BO remaining 28 sts.

Left Front- CO 43 sts using 5mm needles K 4 rows. Commence pattern as follows Row 1 (RS) K to end, Row 2 K1 P to End these 2 rows form the pattern the front opening edge st worked as a K st on every other row with all other sts in St st ** continue until left front matches back to the armhole shaping finishing on a WS row (for right front work 1 extra row here)

Shape Armholes- BO 3 sts at beg next row (40sts) work 1 row (for right front omit this row)
Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 5 rows then on following 4 alt rows (31sts) continue straight until armhole measures 5"-13cm finishing on a RS row (for right work 1 row extra here)

Shape Neck- BO 7 sts at beg of next row (24sts) dec 1 st at neck edge of next 4 rows then on following 7 alt rows (13sts) continue straight until left front matches back to start of shoulder shaping finish on a ws row (for right front work 1 row extra here)

Shoulder Shaping- BO 7 sts at beg next row. work 1 row. BO remaining 7 sts.

Mark positions for buttons along left front opening edge as follows: the first to be 6 rows below armhole shaping and the last to be 4 rows below neck shaping the remaining button should be placed evenly between these buttons.

Right Front- CO 43 sts using 5mm needles K 4 rows. Commence pattern Row 1 (RS) K to end, Row 2 P to last st K1 these 2 rows form the pattern as with left front the opening edge stitch is worked as a knit st on every row with all other sts worked in st st. Continue until 6 rows less have been worked than on the back to start of armhole shaping finishing on a ws row.

Next Row- (RS) K4 BO 3 sts (to make a button hole- CO 3 sts over these BO sts on the next row) K to end.

Working a further 2 button holes in this way to correspond with the positions marked on the left front complete to match left front from ** noting the bracket exceptions.

Sleeve (make 2)- CO 70 sts using 5mm needles K 4 rows starting with a K row work in St st until sleeve measures 7" (17cm)from CO edge finishing on a WS row

Shape Pleat- next row (RS) K 25 sts BO next 20 sts for pleat K to end(50sts) continue until sleeve measures 14" from CO edge ending on a WS row.

Shape Top- BO 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows (44sts) dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows then on following 2 alt rows then on 4 following 4th rows then on every following alt rows until 16 sts remain then on following 3 rows finishing on a WS row BO remaining 10 sts (Knit 2x Sleeves Alike)

To Make Up- With wrong side facing pin out all pieces and press as instructions given on wool ball band join shoulder seams by top sewing.

Collar- with right sides facing and 5mm needles starting and ending on front opening edges pick up and knit 21 sts up right side of neck 28 sts across back of neck and pick up and knit 21 sts from left side of neck (70sts) starting with a P row work in St st for 5" from Pick up row finishing on a WS row BO all sts.
Fold collar in half and loosely stitch in place. at cast off edges of pleats fold and stitch in place as in photograph above join side seams by top sewing insert sleeves and sew buttons in place positioning them 4 sts in from the front opening edge. and lar de dar you have a fabulous Knitted Swing Jacket... well done pat yourself on the back im going to write my other post now happy knitting...

posted on Apr 15, 2009 7:49 AM ()

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