Michael Shepherd


Michael Shepherd
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Life & Events > My Holiday in Ibiza 2009

My Holiday in Ibiza 2009

Hello everyone I have been a bit quiet recently because i have been on holiday with Adrian and the family, we went to Ibiza for 2 weeks sun and relaxation well Adrian had sun I had the relaxation because unfortunate being ginger i seem to be allergic to sun light and I have also managed to get moon burn lol, so here are our holiday photos for you all to look at and have a giggle.

This was the hotel pool it was really nice and warm I only went in once I think greenpeace would have been dragging me into the sea if I had gone in there too often.

This was at the entrance of the local Hippy Market in Es Cana it was sooooo expensive and we might have had trouble getting it on the plane

Me and Sonia Adrians sister looking rather uninpressed with the market there were no wool stalls and it was so crowded I nearly had a panic attack and fainted

This is Santa Eulalia promenade its really nice to walk along at night but the floor is made of really shiny tiles and when its wet it is like an ice rink so nittineedles wouldnt like it

The small market in the town square

Adrian very kindly took this picture of me without my knowledge I don't like it but i managed to get him back by taking a rather bad one of him lol

The Marina at sunset

Could you imagine living right at the top and having to carry your shopping

Mr Good Housekeeping 2009 lol told you I got a good one of Adrian lol

Me and Sonia in San Antonio

Dinner at the Yacht Club on the marina I think I looked ok I even draped a nice sweater over my shoulder for effect

Adrian and his mum it is the only good photo of his mum we got all the others were taken when she was eating or sleeping lol

Adrian and his mum again

A day at the beach

Beach across the road from our hotel

It looked like disinfectant but it tasted great mmmmmm Gin

The entrance to the walled town of Evissia at the top of 500 steps is the cathedral and you can see almost the whole island from the top

City archive keeper

Looking up towards the cathedral from about half way up

One of the many ornate alters inside the cathedral

A view from the top of Evissia Town

The night before we were due to come home there was a lot of storm activity in the mountains surrounding us me and Adrian stayed up to watch the lightning it was amazing the sky was almost orange but the next day when we went home the heavens opened when we was checking our suitcases in all the power went out in the airport then they had to bring large industrial bins in to catch the water that was leaking from the roof then they canceled all flights in and out of the airport so we ended up delayed for about 4 hours we got delayed longer because our plane had been hit by lightning and needed checking before we could take off so from total relaxation to panic and stress lol

The rain was so heavy we couldn't see more than 20 feet

I do not like flying at the best of times and I think at this point I had disappeared to the airport chemist to try and get something to calm me down they didnt have anything so I had to make my way to the bar and have a rather large gin and tonic for medicinal purposes well as you can see im alive and well and we managed to get home safe.

As for other news I have just returned to university this week for the next 4 years woooo Adrian has started his new job with sainsburys and he is thinking of telling his boss at the cinema where to stick his job and thats about it nothing exciting really I am starting a diet soon because my body has betrayed me and got really fat without me knowing so I will be keeping you all up to date on my progress.

posted on Sept 17, 2009 8:52 AM ()

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