Michael Shepherd


Michael Shepherd
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Life & Events > Good Night God Bless.

Good Night God Bless.

A post in memory of our dear dog Terri who passed away tonight at 10.30pm GMT

Special Friend
I lost a special friend today
the kind you can't replace,
and looking at her empty bed
I still can see her face.

I see the endless energy
the sparkling puppy eyes,
Not the tired, fragile friend
I had to bid goodbye.

I know she's in a special place
our Lord has for such friends,
Where meadows, fields & flowers
help make them strong and whole again.

I remember how she'd run to me
to play her favorite puppy game,
And how her ears would perk right up
When she heard me call her name.

But as those precious years went by
And we both aged and grew,
I'd find her often slowing down
But-we had still so much to do.

Easter stands out in my mind
As she would always find the eggs,
The kids would have their baskets full
And she'd be there to beg.

Then there was the Christmas tree
with lots of candy canes,
As she devoured all she could
Surely, hoping it'd still look the same!

She did her guard dog duty well
Each time the doorbell rang,
Strangers surely couldn't see
My gentle friend--behind those fangs.

I've noticed in the recent times
Her ears were not as sharp,
Where is that running ball of fur
The years have shown their mark.

She started sleeping next to me
Was this her special clue,
Because she felt the end was near
I only wish I knew.

My Terri was a special dog
I know she gave her best,
But as I looked deep into her eyes
I knew it was time, for her to rest.

It will truly be a struggle
I don't know how I'll face each day,
I have to let her go--I know
But in my heart she'll always stay.

This special place our Lord has made
Health and strength, wait for her there,
So with my very special friend
I'm sending all my prayers.

I know she's watching over me
She'll be with me when I cry,
So with one more kiss on her beloved head
I told my Terri Dog goodbye.

Good Night Terri God Bless.

posted on Apr 3, 2009 3:09 PM ()

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