Howdy, MyBloggersville:
Time marches on, albeit slowly. All are fine...babies and Jethrene continue to be their own paradoxical selves. Still missing Brody/Buddy but I am slowly realizing that everything happens for a reason. Munchkin the Cat and I are bonding. Its difficult to keep her off the bed but I must as she sheds abysmally. She appears at my door each morning, with that typical Siamese yowl. She's really good natured however but when she appears I can't help but think of the bratty cats in Lady and the Tramp("weee are Si..a...meez if you plee..eeze." duh duh... duh duh).
Went to see my new doctor the other day. He's an American, thank goodness, but he's totally humorless. I used to think Dr. Whalebutt was a pill but I could get him to crack a smile once in awhile. This guy was so dour, taciturn and tense that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass and wait 30 seconds, he would crap diamonds. He appears to be in his late 40's and bears a resemblence to comedian Martin Short. He gave me the once over, espressed concern about my fluid retention (yes I actually am retaining fluid, its not just a dodge to expalin my weight, har har) but to my relief, he did not chastise me for my weight...he didn't even mention it, in fact. And that's just alright with me. So Dr. Tightass prescribes some potasium and ups the fluid pill dosage and sends me to the lab for tests. They have a full service lab right there on the premises which is tres convenient. They took a few vials of blood from me and said they'd call with the results. I'm due back in a month. He said my shortness of breath was pro'ly due to the thin air and that this should clear up soon. If it doesn't, I'm to let him know. He'll pro'ly push another pill on me. Ah, well...the more the merrier.
Otherwise, all is going well. I am gathering the documentation I need for senior housing and it all looks good so far. They have this one building for seniors and disabled that has balconies and is right across the street from the public library. It just doesn't get any better than that. I hope I can get in there. That would be the egg in my beer, lemme tell ya. I can sit out on my balcony and look at the scenic vistas that abound here. Bubba, Suffering and I took a drive last Sunday and saw some sights. The weather was decent and they decided to give me a brief tour of nature's granduer. It was fabulous and I actually saw some antelope. They weren't playing, however. Also saw some incredible rock formations and really nice views. I had a wonderful time.
Still waiting to hear from Cousin Patti. She and hubby went to Washington to see President Obama get sworn in. She's 'asposed to call and give me the lowdown. Can't wait.
Well, I guess that's all the news from the wild and wooly west. Take care yackin at ya later.
yer drinking it all in pal