We got at least four bowls each. Even our outside kitty has foure. My daDDy he washes them all the time so we always get our noms in fresh bowls.
Satchel he has his speshul bowl wif his name painted on it and he dont eat out of any other bowl. Just that one. If it aint there he dont eat.
My daDDy he has lots of bowls and he keeps them up in a cupboard.
He also has sum good bowls whut he dont eat out of much. They is just fer company, like when the Chinese gurl used to come visit us. He calls those bowls and plates his good "China."
I don't know why he calls them after that gurl.? She dint buy them for him.
Now we got a big bowl fer when my daDDy he goes to visit overnight. It gets filled wif dry noms. When he puts it down we knows that he aint comin home that nite. He leaves us extra water too.
When he goes away we miss him so we naps a lot. But when he comes back we all get on his lap and rub and purr cuz sometimes he brings us new toys or goodies.
Last time he went away he brought us sum popcorns frum a base ball game. It was good but it wuz just plain ole popcorn. What kinda goodies was that? Geez.
I don't think he is goin anywhere soon cuz he put the big bowl up in the cabinet.
Tonite we are havin meatloaf wif mashed potatoes and gravies. nom nom