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Cranky Swamp Yankee

News & Issues > A Thank You Note to Rush Limbaugh

A Thank You Note to Rush Limbaugh

You know something? I’ve got a good friend of mine, (We’ll call him
“Chris”, mainly because that’s his name.), who is an intelligent
conservative. (Contrary to popular belief, I don’t believe that term to
be an oxymoron.) Chris believes that Rush Limbaugh is a staunch liberal
Democrat who is masquerading as a ultra-conservative Republican simply
to make ultra-conservative Republicans look like completely
mindless jackasses.
If that is the talk show host’s goal, then he is a raging success!!!!!
A young woman by the name of Sandra Fluke, who is a student at
Georgetown University, spoke to congress last week in support of
President Obama’s health legislation that funds contraception.
Rush Limbaugh called the woman a slut, a prostitute, and went as far
as to suggest that she tape her sexual activities and post them on the
internet so that we all can see them, since she thinks that we should
all help pay for them. Limbaugh said that, if a woman takes advantage of
the new proposed health care law, she is insisting that the public pay
her for having sex. Thus, every woman who does that is a prostitute and a
Isn’t it sad that we have come to this! In this great nation, a
citizen gets publicly chastised and personally attacked for the sake or
ratings on a talk show (which translates into commercial dollars) just
for stating his or her beliefs!
130 faculty members of Georgetown University and the president of the
University, signed a letter in support of Ms. Fluke. (Georgetown, by
the way, is a Catholic university run by The Jesuits. Aren’t these some
of the people who are supposed to be so deeply offended by the new
proposed health care legislation?)
And all of this posturing and pontificating is being done by a
hypocrite who for years slammed illegal drug users and the public
programs set up to help them, while he himself was breaking the law by
illegally doctor-shopping in order to obtain Oxycodone for his illegal
drug habit!!!!
Intelligent people debate openly by using facts. Immature idiots do
it by calling their opponents names. Kind of like the kindergartner who
gets angry at his friend and calls him, “Poop face!!!”
President Obama came out and strongly condemned Limbaugh’s words. He
also called Ms. Fluke to apologize for the unwarranted and childish,
(and, in my mind, totally unAmerican) attack that she suffered while
standing up for what she believes in.
So we know where the President stands on the subject. He has made bold statements on it.
What about Gingrich, Romney, Paul and Santorum? Do they believe that
all women who use the new law are sluts and prostitutes? These folks
stalwart Americans, who make BIG talk about standing up for the
Constitution and the Constitutional rights of every American, are
keeping strangely quiet on the subject.
I wonder why?
Maybe, just maybe, it is because that they want the women’s vote in
the upcoming election, and they also want the Tea Party vote. I don’t
think they can have both. I think it’s time that they put their money
where their big mouths are and make a statement one way or another,
don’t you? (We know where Newt stands on moon colonies; how about
finding out how he feels about a fellow citizen being called a
prostitute and slut just because she stood up and voiced her opinion on
an issue?
As a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, I would like to personally thank Mr.
Limbaugh for aiding in the re-election efforts of the President. If I
were Obama, I would send Mr. Limbaugh a thank you card and a case of
Also, I think I am going to listen Mr. Limbaugh’s radio program next
week and make a list of all of his advertisers…so that I can boycott
their products.
Hey! It’s my right as a citizen. It’s the American Way, right? In
that light, the Tea Partiers should be in favor of my actions, and
yours, if you’ll join me, because of that fact!
Wow ! Maybe I AM a libertarian after all!

posted on Mar 3, 2012 7:51 AM ()


YES I am on board with boycotting, 100%. I can not believe what Eddie said. People scare me, really and truly!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 4, 2012 12:14 PM ()
I think the way our government is turning into a welfare-Communist state scares me!
reply by eddie on Mar 4, 2012 4:38 PM ()
What do you call a whining promiscuous college student who wants everyone else to pay for her loose lifestyle? Sandra Fluke.

I say...pay for your own damn birth control!
comment by eddie on Mar 4, 2012 11:06 AM ()
First off...we do not have to power to limit someone's free speech. Only the liberal's precious government can. Secondly, I think people should remember the old saying "sticks and stones...". I think Rush is crazy if he apologized to her. I think Obama should apologize to me for being a communist!
reply by eddie on Mar 4, 2012 4:37 PM ()
Holy crap Eddie. That's cold.
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 4, 2012 12:12 PM ()
WOW! More conservative name-calling! Okay. Here's a multiple-choice question for you. What do a call a person who would deprive another person of his or her constitutional right to free speech by intimidating him or her with vicious character assassination?
Answers: A. Rush Limbaugh B. Eddy C. All of the above
The point I'm trying to make in the post has nothing to do with contraception or who pays for it. The point is that Mr. Limbaugh tried to intimidate her into silence by vicious character assassination. He did not so much attack her stance as he did her character, and it backfired on him. He said in his written apology to her yesterday that what he said on his radio program wasn't a personal attack. Really? You know, if somebody called me a slut and a prostitute, and said in front of millions of people that I wanted you to pay me for sex, I think I'd take that as a personal attack. I guess I'm just funny that way.
reply by hayduke on Mar 4, 2012 11:24 AM ()
Put the list on your blog and we will all participate.
comment by elderjane on Mar 4, 2012 5:27 AM ()
If WTIC responds, I'll do just that. If they don't, I suffer through listening to a couple of his shows and come up with my own list that I'll post.
reply by hayduke on Mar 4, 2012 5:34 AM ()
Agree with everything you say here. I Googled Limbaugh a day ago and sent protests to a couple of his advertisers. Oreck was one (and #$%$ I just bought one, but I didn't mention that.) I told them they were out of their minds.
comment by tealstar on Mar 4, 2012 5:10 AM ()
I've contacted the radio station in my area, WTIC, and asked them for a list of the local sponsors to The Rush Limbaugh Show. (I think that local sponsors can be swayed easier than the national ones.)
By the way, did you hear that Limbaugh apologized to Ms. Fluke on Saturday? Apparently, a number of sponsors were pulling their ads from his show (Like Sleep Number Beds), due to complaints from good people like you!
So, Limbaugh apologized, since his main goal is not to entertain or to educate, but simply to make money.
Got to admire a man who stands by his convictions, don't you?
reply by hayduke on Mar 4, 2012 5:26 AM ()
The pig caved when the $$ began to try up. Surprised?
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 3, 2012 6:57 PM ()
Don't you just truly admire a man who sticks by his convictions????
reply by hayduke on Mar 4, 2012 4:18 AM ()

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