One night I had been out at a party, it was one of those perfect hot July nights. The girls were good looking, the drinks were strong and cold and I may have taken a small hit on a joint or two.
So any way about 2am or so I decided that it was time to get my young self home.
So I gathered up my wife, put the top down, turned up the stereo and we began our voyage home.
It was hot-she was hot and she wanted to go fast. We pulled in to Lansing on the by-pass, the lights over head began to flash by, my engine was starting to scream. And this song began to play.
Well the lights began to faster -the song got louder her hair was in the wind and mine was on fire.
The next thing I knew we blew by a Michigan Highway Patrol car. He was doing about 70-I guess we were at about150. He hit his lights-I found the nearest off ramp. He must have tried to catch up with me for about 5 miles or so before he turned off his lights. No way was his heavy Dodge going to keep with a TR6 on back 2 lane roads.
Well we made it home-no one was hurt. And for some reason I still love this song.