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Life & Events > Me and That Dam Cat

Me and That Dam Cat

By the time I got to work yesterday I was already in a state of advanced starvation. No breakfast and no lunch...the only thing that held me back from eating anything that crossed my path was the thought of what I had waiting for me when I got home after work. Yep that gift of the God's---Leftovers. Leftovers from Sunday. Pot roast with potatoes, onions, and carrots.
Now this story is not so much about my dinning habits as it is about Dammit DA Cat and my relationship with him.
Now when he wants something he will start talking to me. Thus letting me know that somehow yet once again I have let him down by not providing to his needs in advance.
When I am unable to figure out his most important immediate need I will ask "what" and he will go the door (wanting out) or his food bowel -well you get the idea.
Now when I started to heat my dinner last night I found my self tripping over a black meowing furball.
I guess the aroma of the roast beef was just more than he could handle and he wanted some. NOW.
Well I just didn’t want to share, so I looked at him and said “what?”
Well there was more meowing and twisting him self between my legs.
He went to his food bowel and exclaimed his need.
I showed him his bowel was full, his water was fresh and explained to him how lucky he was. After all there are cats who are the main course for dinner in some countries and don’t enjoy the luxuries he takes for granted.
I went back to the stove and he came with. After some more leg winding and a few more what’s he left.
Now here is the kicker.
Once I got my meal prepared I left the kitchen for the living room and the couch.
Life was going to be good- my hands full with a plate of leftover Sunday dinner and a glass of milk. NASCAR waiting on the DVR.

What did I find when I got there?
Dammit stretched out sound asleep where I wanted to sit.
No response.
“Dammit move”
Still no response.
Louder voice “Dammit move!”
He rolled half over, looked at me and went “reeoow”.
I quickly translated that to mean “what?” in cat language.
Still not moving-“Reeoow”
Ok I gave up-I went back to kitchen, put some roast beef in his bowel and called him in. I then ran back to the couch and settled in with mine.
After he was done eating he came back to the couch. Settling in on the far end.
He went “Reeoow” once more, rather smugly I thought, full of roast beef and the knowledge that yet once again he had out smarted me.

posted on May 28, 2009 10:32 AM ()

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