I have a barn cat who lately has been bringing me presents each morning. 1 large field mouse freshly killed and brought lovingly to my front door. Well it’s better than bringing me snakes I suppose… That was summer before last – Yuck!

Now I am listening to CNN and they are talking about a woman who had a RAT come up her toilet!! (ummm while she was sitting on it!!) – Guess we can all figure out where it bit her!
Also, a woman in Florida killed this morning by a 70 lb Eagle Ray that jumped out of the water, and struck her in the face. They found no bites and assume her death was caused by hitting the back of her head on the deck…
Holy Cow!
I have also been paying close attention to the flooding in Missouri. I have a friend there visiting his daughter who actually had to have her boated to higher ground! He tells me it is unbelievable out there and will send pictures later today.

My prayers are definitely with all the families who are struggling with the flooding!

On to Idol –
I wasn’t surprised to see Amanda sent home, but I WAS surprised to see Carley in the bottom 3! Horse girl was also in the bottom 3, and once again managed to hold on to her seat… Hmmm….
Reminds me slightly of Sanjaya last year… I thought the boy would NEVER go home! Now he was something else!
And as for LOST – I was terribly disappointed to watch last nights episode! The Writers are going WAY out there for a story… and the one with Michael is just too unbelievable!
I am still a huge Lost fan don’t get me wrong, but it seems to me they are trying TOO HARD to make it unpredictable… Grrrrr
Now it’s time to catch up on your news…