I was just going to ask for the photos. I hope you still have the email address. What a wonderful adventure. I'm sorry you had to leave your bike behind. Did you add that in the cost of your trip? 5lbs + blown knee,=priceless (memories) and a pretty cheap adventure too!
What wonderful memories you created! And what a better way to spend your birthday than with the love of family! Great turn out and great post. Glad your Dad was surprised!
Come to Oregon if you need to clean some more! I'm sorry he's gone but i'm so glad you had a wonderful sneak peak into your next visit and future life. What a wonderful thing to look forward to!
You a liar? hard to believe it! Omission is always the best way out and no one wants to look like the odd man out regardless of whether it is agreeing someone is beautiful or Joe trying to keep up with the Jones. (you do know you and j' are the Jones) He is trying to impress you and feel important too. It is sad the lengths people will go to feel important. Lies to affairs. My jaw is back up where it belongs and I still love your blogs!
Can't wait to hear about more of Tanner's adventures! You always tell the best stories Mel!
How cold or unfeeling would one have to be to not hear the cries of plea from you and so many others? Not a job for me!
Was she a beauty school drop out or a Tammy Faye wanna be? I'm sure she meant well!
Appalling things like this ever happen or happened!
I'm hooked and now have to go back to the beginning! You are an amazing writer! Thanks for sharing your gift with words and knowledge!
Can't wait!
Sounds good to me... if they would only add potato chips to that list I would be doing well!
What a grand adventure! Enjoy!
That intimacy fear is a big one isn't it? I worry for the same reason! You are a warm and wonderful woman and I can't imagine someone won't realize that when you are ready! Hang in there!
Pole dancing eh? Oh my!
Regardless of how it ends it is painful. I'm so sorry for your pain!