Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
Epsom, NH
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Alfredo Thoughts

Health & Fitness > Throw Away Your Diet This!

Throw Away Your Diet This!

WARNING: A Scary Epidemic is Moving Right into Your Neighborhood...
And it’s Making You & Your Kids Fat & Sickly!

No, it's not Ebola. And it's not some scary repeat of the influenza pandemic.

The global epidemic that has the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization in an uproar is - obesity.

And you could easily be one of the 300 million victims of this global epidemic stalking you and your family right this moment.

Obesity an epidemic?

Perhaps a quick glance in the mirror will convince you - or you could just take a gander at the other people around you...

FACT: An astonishing 65.2% of Americans suffer from obesity today.

Go here to start the "Fat Cure" today!

Sure, you may be a far cry from the morbidly obese. But your risks of disease skyrocket as you pack on those extra pounds.

Are You Too Heavy to be Healthy?

Exactly how risky are those spare tires and saddlebags?

According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, Newsmax medical expert and editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report, the truth is out there - and it's pretty darned scary...

He warns that obesity:

Increases your risk of type-2 diabetes by 300%
Increases your risk of high cholesterol by 200%
Increases your risk of heart disease by 200%
Increases your risk of arthritis by 200%
Increases your risk of high blood pressure by 200%
And that's just the tip of the iceberg... How about your increased risk of amputations, strokes, kidney failure and blindness?

What's worse, it's not just adults who suffer...

Obesity is Overwhelming our Kids

A Whopping 2/3 of Americans are Considered Obese Today!

Click Here for Dr. Blaylock's
Fat Cure Secrets!

Today, in California alone, a shocking 30% of children qualify as obese!

In fact, the average teenage boy in the U.S. eats 109 pounds of sugar each year — that's crazy...

And just like there are no age boundaries, obesity has no global boundaries either.

It's not just an American problem. No country is immune. Even small Pacific islands are feeling the pinch.

Yes, it's an epidemic all right...

So, if you're concerned about protecting yourself and your family from a condition that torments, disables, and even kills people of all ages, you're lucky to be reading this letter right now.

Because obesity is such a life-and-death problem, Dr. Blaylock devoted an entire issue of his newsletter to this topic: "The Fat Cure: Health Secrets to Losing Weight Permanently."

In this "must-read" issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr. Blaylock shares cutting-edge obesity information with you.

And he has a few shockers of his own.

Sugar & Lack of Exercise May Not Explain the Real Reasons Behind the Obesity Epidemic

In this newsletter, you'll discover that the "official" explanations for obesity — the ones you read about in the mainstream media — are far from the full story.

Until you discover the real reasons behind weight gain, all the dieting and exercise in the world won't be enough to drop those pounds. Or prevent obesity-related illness.

Fortunately, Dr. Blaylock also shares some encouragement and good news with you in this issue. Armed with the right information, techniques and strategies, you can achieve an optimal healthy weight.

Here's just a small sample of what you'll see in this exciting Blaylock Wellness Report:

Doctor, Neurosurgeon,
Author, Health Advocate

Russell Blaylock, M.D. not only compiles and edits's Blaylock Wellness Report. He's also a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and lecturer.

He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. For over a quarter of a century, he practiced in the demanding field of neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice.

He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored three books on nutrition and wellness:

Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills
Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life
Natural Strategies for the Cancer Patient
An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively to both lay audiences and other physicians on a variety of nutrition-related subjects.

Dr. Blaylock is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

He previously served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS, and is currently a visiting professor of biology at the Belhaven College, also in Jackson.

WARNING! These 2 government-backed nutritional recommendations may be fatal to your health...
Does your waist size put you at risk? Here's how to find out instantly...
Eleven hidden sources of MSG in your diet that are contributing to weight gain (if you think you've been avoiding this taste-enhancing toxic substance, you're likely mistaken)...
Aerobic exercise is good for you, right? WRONG! Yes, you heard that right, and Dr. Blaylock will tell you why...
What you must do to lose weight and keep it off (Dr. Blaylock's simple 4-step program)...
Why belly fat is the worst fat of all...
The two special "miracle oils" that can reduce obesity and eliminate the problem of insulin resistance...
The critical mistake most mothers make that puts their children on the road to obesity...
Can't Wait? Get "The Fat Cure" Now!

Atkins, Pritikin, Ornish, South Beach: The good, the bad and the dangerous diets...
Two secret hazards of infant formula (why haven't you been told this before?)...
How to practically guarantee your children will be fat...
This nutritional substance not only aids in weight loss, but also alleviates depression...
Why white bread and potatoes are even worse for you than sugar...
What today's young people have in common with brain-damaged "couch potato" rodents (this is a danger you need to be aware of)...
How diet foods can actually make you fatter (and why your doctor isn't warning you to stop using them)...
The single biggest error that keeps most people from losing weight (hint: do you consider eating a form of entertainment?)...
Meat Eaters Alert! The sneaky trick that reduces your disease risk when you eat red meat...
And much, much more...
Click Here Now For Weight Loss Secrets

Dr. Blaylock is Just as Skeptical as You Are

Perhaps you're wondering who this guy Blaylock is.

And if you're like most people, you're more than a bit skeptical about the health information you hear these days.

Russell Blaylock M.D.
I don't blame you. You should be...

In fact, that's why we brought Dr. Blaylock on board with The Blaylock Wellness Report.

He's skeptical too...

During the 26 years he spent treating patients in his medical, neurosurgical and nutritional practice, Dr. Blaylock became disgusted with the way medicine was being practiced in the U.S.

Disgusted by the giant pharmaceutical machines and their giant propaganda factories...

His disgust vaulted him into action — researching the real answers to major health problems plaguing the American public... not just the ones the traditional media spoon-feeds you ...

Dr. Blaylock understands your hunger for accurate information to make wise and economical choices about foods, drugs, health remedies and nutritional supplements.

He puts in the time studying the latest medical and scientific research — so you don't have to...

And what's more:

He takes NO money from the multi-billion dollar drug companies.
He gets NO kickbacks on any health products, supplements or anything he recommends.
He does NO "research" funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
So, because Dr. Blaylock has NO conflicts of interest, you can count on him for unbiased health and wellness information that you won't find anyplace else.

For instance, in his "Fat Cure" issue, you'll discover why obesity is so much more than a health issue...

Obesity Gnaws Away at the Economy

It's a fact...

As if the deterioration of your health from excessive weight wasn't bad enough, in this issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report, you'll discover how:

Spending by private health insurance companies on obesity-related diseases has increased tenfold (and that's in the billions!)...
Medicare and Medicaid costs for obesity continue to soar...
The economic burden blasts off with millions spent on disability costs, lost wages, early retirement and other expenses...
Your taxpayer money goes for worthless research, while the government comes off looking like it is trying to do something about the obesity problem...
These are certainly "heavyweight" issues you need to know about.

Click Here Now for Instant Access to The Blaylock Wellness Report

That's why it's fortunate that, each month without fail, you can count on Dr. Blaylock and The Blaylock Wellness Report to provide you with...

Your Very Own ‘Health Advocate'

Every issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report reports to you on the "real truth" behind today's major health issues.

And you'll see how you can take sensible action against diseases.... BESIDES cutting them out, burning them out, taking dangerous drugs that may not even get rid of them...or just plain feeling overwhelmed by them.

You get the inside scoop on numerous health issues impacting you... and your family.

Like cancer (did you know that according to the American Cancer Society, 1.3 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2005?). Like diabetes, which affects 20.8 million people... just in the United States alone!

And don't forget heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, high cholesterol, acid reflux, and other threats to your well-being, even your life.

With so many potential disease culprits, it's just impossible for the average person to keep up with the latest news — even your own doctor doesn't have enough time to read up on all the newest research coming out.

Because we know you need this information (and you can't find it elsewhere), we at Newsmax want to make it virtually impossible for you to pass up this opportunity...

Newsmax Reader Special Offer — 50% Off!

The usual cost for The Blaylock Wellness Report is $8 per month — only $96 per year. And even at that price, you'd be getting quite a bargain.

But today, as a Newsmax reader, you qualify for a full 50% discount. You can try The Blaylock Wellness Report for the teeny-tiny investment of only $4 a month — $48 for the entire year!

And you know, while $4 barely buys you one lousy jumbo latte these days, this newsletter is so much healthier for you...

You may be wondering why we would practically give this newsletter away. Well, it's no secret.

We're so sure that once you see the value of Dr. Blaylock's health and wellness strategies, advice and unbiased recommendations, you'll become another one of his many devoted readers, who count on him for information that really matters.

And, as word of mouth spreads from health-savvy readers like you, more and more people will have the chance to benefit from this newsletter.

If you thought that $4 a month sounded reasonable, we have an even better deal. If you subscribe for two years right now, you'll get our rock-bottom bargain: only $3.29 a month, or $79 for 24 monthly issues — two full years of health-safeguarding advice.

Plus, it's convenient. You'll receive The Blaylock Wellness Report as a handy e-mail pdf attachment, or you can access it easily over the web.

For those of you who prefer receiving something you can hold in your two hands, you can have the print edition mailed to you for only 50 cents additional per month, or even less with your 2-year subscription.

So, while preserving your health (and fighting back against obesity) is on your mind, go grab your own Blaylock Wellness Report in just a minute . . .

Click Here Now for First-Rate Health

No Risk and a Free Bonus Too

If you're not convinced yet, here's the clincher: you have absolutely no risk.

If, at any point, you do not feel that you are getting much more in value than your small investment from this unbiased, cutting-edge health information, you can cancel your subscription — with no obligation... and keep ALL the reports you've received.

But just to make a great offer even greater, now you also get:

Free access to ALL previously published Blaylock Wellness Reports. This $600+ value includes dozens of reports on hundreds of health-impacting subjects you need to know about.
Let Dr. Blaylock push the envelope of what's possible for your own wellness, with reports like:

posted on Mar 7, 2008 2:34 PM ()


How are all those 5-7-9 shops for women staying open in the face of all this? Why are stores like Macy's and Target still selling out of size small first? Why is it even politicians only sell sizes up to XL if we're all so blooming big?

I suspect it's all a BIG FAT LIE!!!

Another scam to part you from your money.
comment by thestephymore on Mar 24, 2008 2:44 AM ()
Alfredo, this is just an advertisement--wherever you saw it (whether newspaper or magazine) look for some word 'advertisement' on top or bottom--he doesn't give ANY information!!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 8, 2008 1:24 PM ()
Please--he is just trying to sell his book and newsletter--if he was so concerned about obesity and/or our health he would be giving all this information for free--it is just another scam!!! And you are helping him.
comment by greatmartin on Mar 7, 2008 6:52 PM ()
I didn't realize 65.2% of Americans suffer from obesity. That's a really scary statistic. My high school recently acquired a nutritionist to work on providing a healthier and more balanced options at lunchtime. A lot of kids don't choose the good foods -- its easier to grab a slice or two of pizza instead of a turkey club and fruit cup. I make my own lunches for school and work so I can basically control what I eat. I'm really picky about eating healthy -- my mom taught me that!
comment by mattguru18 on Mar 7, 2008 4:54 PM ()
Intresting! I am aware that I need to lose ten pounds.
comment by elderjane on Mar 7, 2008 3:20 PM ()
Yeah and that's why I'm doing what I'm doing! And it sure as heck is working for me!
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 7, 2008 3:15 PM ()

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