Yes,I find this so stupid,but they do it.
Mostly elderly.
A winter storm watch is in effect for all parts of New Hampshire.
Mike does the food shopping on Tuesday.
Most do it on Friday.
A big storm is heading our way.
Do you know what this means?
Got to get some food in the house.
So for kicks,went to the market for a few things that I do not really need.
My reason there to see the shoppers panic as they filled their cart with food.Most of it are JUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes,it is the old people that you will see.
Why in the hell do they need all of this stuff.
As you know most of these people have plenty of food in the house.But they need more and more.
I find this a riot and chuckle all of the craziness that is going on.
Never failed.
The last week they predict a couple of bad storm.
They were dissapointed that it did not happen.
Sorry,folks I find this humorus.
Same thing with the Hardware store.
The next time if I think of it,going to bring my camera and see the frenzy in the market.
This will make a good youtube video.
Most of the shoppers,charged their groceries.
Yes,I know that some of them lived monthly on their income.
Boy!I hate to see a riot when something real happen.
My friends.You live in New England and you know what type of weather we have and you should had or have an emergency kit somewhere in the house
I do a case of wine and vodka,LOL.
All right stop beating on them.
STILL FIND THIS STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta run,need to get to the market.
Wait,what do I need.
Good day folks and don't forget to stock up.