Who's that pretty boy there.
Well,last night he wasn't.
Not sure what was going on.
After watching Criminal Minds and ready to call it a night.
Maybe two hours passed and Buffy was all over the bed waking us up.
Mike got up and to see if he need to go out.
Then back in.
The rest of the night was horrible.
He kept on tapping his foot on us.
Well,not sure what this supposed to me.
Was he ill?did not look like it.
Could not sleep?guess not.
Mike was getting a little upset and went on the couch with him.
They spend a few hours there.
I did get a chance for a couple of hours.
Then Buffy left the couch to join me.
He was quiet and then sort of feel a little guilty got up and told Mike get back in
That he did.All of a sudden Buffy is tapping again.
This time I raise my voice and told him to stop it.
Well this worked and left us alone for the rest of the night.
Both of us were wiped out.
Mike think that he is not getting enough excersise.
So,today I walked up a few times.
Then had a thirty min.nap.
If he pulled this tonight.
Will put him in another room,so that we can get some sleep.
He will not liked it.For he will be howling.
Spoiled.Yup,our fault.
Should never have him bed with us.
This is a first after so many years.
There is a woman here,will walked your dog for 45 min.for ten dollars.
Think that I will give her a chance to walk with Buffy.
Right now she is tied up.LOL
The nap helped some..
Good day.Fredo