well right you are on the electronic.I myself getting tired or it.With the I phone,I pad etc.do we need all these things?guess not.Who knows what I will do in the coming New Year. All you need is one?yes,the children are learning but they are not reading books just IBook. Then again is their generation and not mine.So let them bite the dust and do whatever they have to do.That is their problems and not mine.
well Martin.You are going to be fine and rich in life.Once you get back to your routine there.the SS increase is a joke and a insult.Few pennies here and there. Yep,Allen is a good boy and you are lucky to have him.Good man there.Tell him that we are thinking of him .This week get the stitches removed and back to playing tennis.I feel so loss at this.Audrey Totter remember her.The other one that pass away and the forth or the third Cannot keep up with this.Peter been nominated so many times and never won an oscar?strange.Discrimination there.
Interesting story there.The T urkey that got away.A kiddie book.Speed recovery there
This was the same my Buffy had a year ago.Yes it is very painful and to this day. We were with him to put him down and do not hopefully to do it again.I stay with him to the end and still mourning .But he was 13 yrs.
everyone had a bit of problems with mybloggers.But it does come back.Try again.save your work and t hen give it a shot.Then again there is always facebook.
not too bad jon.I love the shadow from the reflection of the trees.Very intriguing. This is interesting.
Hey,glad that you are back.Did things go well for you.\ Sorry,to hear all the problems there.But you are writing and this is a good sign.
Maybe a little hearing loss with all the noise and loud music.This is funny.Or need to get educated.
looks great there and yummy
I think that t his is cool.I loved it and hopefully that I will be around to see it. This is cool.
pretty damn close there my man.
you have done very well and can cope just about everything.Yes it is very sad of some of the resident there of being alone at the time of the year,they do not or aware what they are doing making their parent very sad.Like you said,they have gone and live far away etc. That is a good list.Some of them can do this and you are the one who can,been there and done that/
yes,many of the new generation is not aware of this.
right now things looks good.We have mild weather for the rest of the week.This is great for some to save a few dollars on their heat.The cold return next week of course
Loved this woman.See most of her movies.Will see this definitely.
All you need is one?yes,the children are learning but they are not reading books just IBook.
Then again is their generation and not mine.So let them bite the dust and do whatever they have to do.That is their problems and not mine.