It may be fun for you but "Ride Along has more thrill than Mr.Ryan.
Nice to see you here.As for me I have little to say and write have not been doing this for some time now.
Glad that you are back.Surely the bloggers missed you.See you on facebook now and then. Happy for you to get your vision back.This is good news for the new year.Take care.Fredo
you can knit me a hat anytime.Loved it.
yep,thank you for sharing.
wow!that is good news to hear from you.Yep,glad that things are being positive for you. You will love Barcelona as Mike and I fell in love.Yes,the Spanish guys are sexy in every which way.No harm in looking.Thanks for the update of your interesting life.
yes,that would have been so wonderful.Bette could have walk away with this role.I just can picture her.Then I guess we have to move on and accept the newbie in taking over this role. I will see this when the right time comes.I think that this should have been shot in black and white.NO?just asking.fredo
what happen to the Ugly.
so sorry to hear this.My sympathy goes out to you and the family.RIP Doug.
we have the same problems all week and now a warm up ,rain and freezing rain is in the forecast.I need to find an escape weekend there.
very nice jon.Loved the photos.
I never make any resolutions.I am a good boy.HAPPY NEW YEAR
wow!Santa was not very good to both of you.Hope your feeling better by now. Happy New Year.You were wise to stay home and not to spread the cold or flu to your family and grandchildren.
Yep,it was nice talking to you or Mike yesterday afternoon. Merry to Allan also.