sounds yummy.Had spinach,feta cheese ravioli with black beans and tomatoes along with salad and anchovies which I like ,Mike does not liked them at all.What do the Greek know anyways.
colonoscopy is a piece of cake and just had it done .My second time with good news.
we are still in the deep freeze here.The windchill is horrible.
mybloggers has been very quiet.Most of the bloggers are on facebook and cannot be bothered with mybloggers.That is one of the reason that we do not have many readers here.
glad that you had a good week.Look like you are a busy sort.Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
was this the same title of Gimme Shelter with the Rolling Stones or similar title.
Same here.Never had any problems and it is so easy to do.Not sure what is going on with them and think that they should look in their computer and see if they have some sort of bug. Been posting pictures for some time now.
Eddie,I am not having any problems and not sure what Marge it.It could be her browser? No problems here.
This is the kind of movie I like.Thomas was t he lover of Ralph Fieness in the English Patient and now she is the mother?interesting.
not sure what is going on there and have not been on for some time now.It seems that other bloggers getting their post in there.I am sure that Eddie will help you.Eddie where are the hell are you?this woman needs help.