Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
Epsom, NH
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Alfredo Thoughts

Life & Events > Left of the Right

Left of the Right

Every four years Americans get to make a choice. A choice that either maintains course, or one that sets a new course. John McCain has tried to distance himself from the idea he represents the former. But any claim the Republican candidate represents change rings hollow. His own words regarding the policies he'll pursue as president say different. He wants to make the budget busting Bush tax cuts permanent. Then he wants to go further with additional tax cuts for corporations and the oil industry. His ideas on health care reform amount to little more than a government subsidy for insurance companies and are very thin on improving access and quality. And his vision for our countries foreign policy is indiscernible from the current president's. This is not change ladies and gentlemen.

Barack Obama with out a doubt represents a significant change in the direction of this nation and you'll find virtually no one who would disagree with that. And like Hillary Clinton said in her speech Tuesday night "ours and our children's future depends on it." It being the kind of change an Obama presidency will bring. The kind of change this country desperately needs if we are to remain the world's leader socially and economically.

An Obama administration will shift our government's economic emphasis to the Middle Class. The focus will be on job creation and more equitable pay. The policies of the last seven plus years have resulted in the worst pay stagnation in decades. At the same time these policies or lack of policies have overseen alarming increases in health care costs. The price of food, utilities, and gasoline have skyrocketed as well reducing even further the value of the working person's earnings. I saw this morning a report that more banks are in trouble due to people defaulting on loans and mortgages. It just goes to show that if you squeeze the Middle Class long enough, the wealthy will eventually feel the pain. A new direction with Obama at the helm is definitely needed here.

On foreign policy it's a no-brainer. With statements like "I wouldn't have a problem with seeing American troops in Iraq a hundred years from now" the idea John McCain represents a new direction is what MSNBC's Rachel Maddow called post-rational. Barack Obama represents a careful, thoughtful approach to foreign policy that has been sadly lacking from the equation. The current situation between our selves and Russia brings front and center the idea that any country who believes it has the right to impose it's will through military force is wrong. For Bush to admonish Russia for what it did to Georgia after what he did to Iraq is about as hypocritical as it can get. And don't think the rest of the world hasn't noticed this fact. Again, a completely new direction is needed and it is Obama who will bring that change.

On domestic and social issues McCain is pretty much silent except for those hot button issues like abortion, gay marriage, immigration, and gun control. And of course his stand on these issues are in line with the Republican platform. He had to change his stand on these issues to be in line, but he's in line now.

But the most important reason Barack Obama is right for America is that he will change the mood of this country from one of fear and despair to one of hope with an attitude of "yes we can." We've seen it time and time again. When we have presidents that express an air of positive confidence and always remember to make the people feel inclusive represents those times when we accomplish our greatest achievements. And Barack Obama is the person that will do just that.

We face serious challenges and it's going to take each and every one of us to be full partners in facing them. And if we're going to have any chance of being successful we require a leader who will inspire and motivate the country to action. And that person is Barack Obama.


posted on Sept 9, 2008 4:43 PM ()


comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 10, 2008 12:28 PM ()
Great find. It's true, the Republican party has not helped our nation, the good ol' US of A, for the last 8 years. Thanks for this! I hope it enlivens people to vote for Obama.
comment by writerproducer on Sept 10, 2008 9:49 AM ()
Correct! Thanks for posting it! Four more years would ruin what's left of this country.
comment by jondude on Sept 9, 2008 8:40 PM ()
This really sums things up quite nicely.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 9, 2008 8:34 PM ()
So, ah.. Fredo? You saying you support Obama?
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 9, 2008 8:10 PM ()
We need the House and the Senate to be democratic in a veto busting number and we have to ermember the next President will probably pick two new Justices!!!~
comment by greatmartin on Sept 9, 2008 6:12 PM ()
That is a great article. My sentiments exactly.
comment by elderjane on Sept 9, 2008 6:07 PM ()

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