Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
Epsom, NH
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Alfredo Thoughts

Life & Events > Ice Storm,new Hampshire

Ice Storm,new Hampshire

What a day this has been.
Woke up Friday am and the power is out.
No news or TV to find out whats going on.
Looked out of the window and see that the traffic is moving okay.Thought that things did not look too bad out there.
With the power being shut off and waking up at five,very dark in the morning at the time.
Mike decided not to work there as he called his place to find out that they do not have any power.
He did not want to leave me alone here,just in case.
Finally dug out my old boom box radio.
That takes 6 D batteries.
Finally got some news here.
200.000thousands or more without power.
The governor call the state of emergency.
Said:Wow!I cannot believed this.
We had the worst power outage in this state for a long time.
Really bad to some of the people there.
They are still without power and not sure when they will get it back on.
We lost our power 22 hours.
In the afternoon,Walmart was open as we need to get a few things in emergency kit.Yes,I know.Why did we wait so long to do this.
The place was jam packed and most of the stuff were out.
I saw my daughter Cheryl there,said she that we are the only opened in this area all the others were out.
This explain the amount of people coming here.
We took a ride up and down the highway.
Everything was just shut down.
Boy!I was dying for a good hot cup of coffee.
Could not find a place for it.
We did put a pot of water on the stove for tea.
It was not quite as hot that I like.
So,both of us got some reading done.
Call a few people to see if they are okay.
They even offered to come there for heat as they had gas stoves.
Finally,Concord got the power back and we went in town to get some can of soup for dinner tonight.
Progresso Lentil Soup.It has been sometime now since I had this brand.The reason for this as it feed two.
Put had the soup simmering on the woodstove.
Finally dinner and the lentil soup was so bad that I turned it down.Plain awful.Will never buy this brand again.Sucks.
So,the bedroom down to 60 degree and put an extra blanket on.Mike and I decided to go to bed for nothing else to do.
We did have keresen lamps .But very hard to read.
Told Mike will be lucky to get power by tomorrow.
Off to bed the three of us huddling to keep warm.
Then at eleven thirty the power came back on.
We put the TV on to find out what is going on in our beloved state of New Hampshire.
The paper you saw will give you the answer.
We are one of the lucky ones.
Many,many people are without and cleaning the damages.
With those hugh Maple trees that we had,we were lucky.
This is one of the reason way was not on yesterday.
Quite an experience.

Was so happy to have bacon and eggs for breakfast.
What a treat.
We are supposed to go to an open house this afternoon.
They have not called that it was cancelled.
Maybe they got their power back on.
Today is bright and dry,but chilly winds.

posted on Dec 13, 2008 6:48 AM ()


In these moments you notice how much we are dependent on power.....
comment by itsjustme on Dec 15, 2008 12:39 AM ()
It sounds like things are really scary up there.
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 13, 2008 8:11 PM ()
We have an emergency kit a gas cooking stove but we really miss the light at night when this happens. Stay snug and don't go out anymore than you have to. Put a pot of bean soup on your wood stove at night. It should be ready to eat the next day.
comment by elderjane on Dec 13, 2008 11:02 AM ()
We had a cold nasty morning here and now at 11:30 AM still cold and nasty--okay not as 'cold' as up there but still cold for us.
Stay warm and stay safe--stay off the roads--too many idiot drivers out there and bad weather doesn't help their lack of skills!!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 13, 2008 8:41 AM ()
wow, stay safe, fredo
comment by teacherwoman on Dec 13, 2008 8:10 AM ()

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