Though most of you noticed in some of my comments on Bah!Humbug.
Well this is true,I am not a big fan of Christmas and never have been.
When I was married my ex wife did all the shopping,lights,candles etc.
Not also going to Christmas party .
I prefer to spend my time with Mike.
Selfish,I do not think so.
Everyone always asked what are your planned for Christmas.
Trying to think of something useful without hurting them.
Read this in the paper and this sorts of sums it up for me.
This is what the person said:
We like to celebrates holidays quietly,happily.
This is what she says:I choose to spend my holidays in my heart only and enjoy the
day as a small vacation for myself.
This person is very wise.
Yes,we do have Christmas dinner and my girls and Bob.
This is a tradition for us every year.
New Years Eve:The same.Do not stayed up till midnight for the new year.
I will see this in the next day.
Everybody takes time to have a great Christmas.
For me.Go to a movie,plays,taking a walk and of course playing tennis,toing to a muesum
etc.This is what I like.
This is how I like to spend my time.