I do not know about you guys,but for me I loved to smile.
This was one of the post that I wanted to write about.
When I am out,shopping,playing tennis,working out.
A smile is always on my face.
Yes,I do frown at times.But smile got this beaten.
You ever noticed that when you smile at a stranger some will frowned and some will reply to the smile.
When I am food shopping and trying to be nice and smile at most the seniors,boy do I get a frown from them.LOL.
Or someone in the scooter or whatever they called them loved to smile and to let them know you are part of our generation.Nope,Bah!!!!!!!!!why are you smiling.
Okay,I do get a few smiles back and really enjoyed when they do this.
Checking out in the grocery and trying to be nice and helpful to the cashier,they have a nasty look.
Hey!what are you doing,keep moving.Okay I will.
"Have a nice day"
Some have puzzled look on their face.
Why do I smile at them.Why not.Trying to make their days and to let them know it is not all that bad.
Some do become ill mannered that they cannot return the smile.
It is only a friendly gesture.
Let me me share this.
"Warmth is a communicabel disease.If you haven't got it,no one will be able to catch it from you.
Please do not stop smiling. Robert L.Bass who penned this.
So bloggers give me a smile and will give it right back to you.
Remember this is also good for your health.Said;He
return smiles...I think people are friendlier here than in New England.