Febreze (breezy)


Febreze (breezy)
Timperley, C5
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Another Metamorphosis

Life & Events > The Rebecca Riots

The Rebecca Riots

The Rebecca Riots took place between 1839 and 1844 in South and Mid Wales. They were a protest against the high tolls which had to be paid on the local Turnpike roads. The term turnpike refers to a gate on which sharp pikes would be fixed as a defence against cavalry.

The many toll-gates on the roads were operated by ‘trusts’ which were supposed to maintain and even improve the roads. Many trusts charged extortionate tolls and diverted the money. raised to other uses

Even where this was not the case, the toll-gate laws imposed an additional financial burden on poor farming communities. People decided that enough was enough.
 They took the law into their own hands and gangs were formed to destroy the toll-gates.

These gangs became known as ‘Rebecca's Daughters’ or merely the ‘Rebeccas’.

The origin of their name is said to be a verse in the Bible, Genesis 24:60.

Others have suggested that the leader of the protests, Thomas Rees (Twm Carnabwth), wore women's clothes as a disguise when leading attacks (one could be ‘hanged’ for rioting in those days).

 Some versions of the story say that these clothes were borrowed from a (rather large) lady called Rebecca living near his home at the foot of the nearby hills.

Rees was the first Rebecca and he destroyed the toll-gates at Yr Efail Wen in 1839.

 However, other communities also adopted the name and disguise and other grievances besides the toll gates, were aired in the riots.
Anglican clergymen from the established Welsh Church were targets on several occasions.
 The Church could ‘demand’ tithes and other ecclesiastical benefits - even though most of the population of Wales were Nonconformists.
 Other victims were petty villains such as the fathers of illegitimate children.

The riots ceased after several of the ring leaders were caught and transported to Australia.

According to local legend, the men laughed when they were given this punishment.

The protests prompted several reforms, including a Royal Commission into the question of toll roads.

 Most of the hated toll-gates were legally removed in 1844.

posted on Jan 16, 2011 3:50 PM ()


Same thing for San Francisco. Coming in across the Golden Gate Bridge you pay. Leaving is free.
comment by jondude on Jan 17, 2011 1:21 PM ()
I want to see San Francisco, I want to see where Charmed was filmed - I was so addicted to that show, I doubt if I would want to leave. Incidentally, that is a magnificent bridge

reply by febreze on Jan 18, 2011 3:24 PM ()
Jondude is right. They never stop charging the tolls, long after the roads
are paid for. The Turner turnpike between Oklahoma City and Tulsa is just
one example.
comment by elderjane on Jan 17, 2011 6:00 AM ()
They have to be the same as our government - they know we have to get from A - B, so "make them pay" is their attitude. It is terrible.

reply by febreze on Jan 17, 2011 10:35 AM ()
Toll roads still exist here in the colonies. I never use them if I can avoid doing so. Our gas and auto taxes should pay the toll, but the governments never stop charging us.
comment by jondude on Jan 16, 2011 5:47 PM ()
We still have 'sort of' toll roads, The Severn Bridge, The Humber Bridge, The Dartford Crossing and a few more. Apparently, the fees are for the 'continual' repairs of the road (the millions, that they have made from them - we ought to have the best roads in the world)!!!!!!! (we haven't)
Our government are well aware, that the majority of motorists - especially the 'truck drivers', are going to take the quickest route to their destination - they are rubbing their hands together - I always have a bit of a giggle though - you have to 'pay' to come into Wales (it is 'free' to leave)

reply by febreze on Jan 17, 2011 10:20 AM ()

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