Well I had planned on a nice easy Saturday, no people making me crazy, no phone ringing off the wall, just nice and quiet.
Well it started off innocent enough. But then this morning it started....the phone started ringing...and I almost didn't answer it. That is until I noticed on the caller ID that it was my cousin Lynn.
I've blogged about Lynn before, the most accident prone person on the face of the earth. Well I pick up the phone and all I hear is crying....Oh crap...not good.
She starts yelling in the phone about My Uncle's and My cousin drowning...and calling the police....I couldn't understand a word at first she was sceaming in the phone.
Seems she went to her dad's house and noticed in the break (huge lake)..that one of the boats was overturned in the water and couldn't find anybody. My Uncle had told her that he, my other Uncle and cousin were going fishing that day. Well she freaked when she saw the boat overturned and freaked. She called the police, me, (I have no idea who else ) and was waiting for the police.
Well you can imagine I was freaking out because they are in Louisiana and I am here. She said the police had got there and she hung up. Well I get on the phone and call my cousin V. She is in route to the house and is bawling on the phone and told me she'd call me back when she found out more.
I hang up and the phone rings again, it's My Aunt and she is having a melt down, yelling in the phone and I can't tell her much of anything. She is grabing clothes and throwing them in bags and trying to get out the door to help take care of things.
I don't have a clue as to what is going on, so all I can do at this point is sit by the phone and wait.
Cut to about an hour or so later and the phone rings again...it's my cousin V....she's telling me to listen...and all I hear is people yelling....
She's telling me that the police are trying to arrest Lynn....WTF???
Apparently my Uncle's got tired of fishing, and decided to go into town. They pulled the boat up to shore, but apparently didn't pull it up far enough and it floated out into the water.
The police get there and are talking about sending out rescue squads and search parties....and about that time My Uncles pull up in the truck. Lynn is hysterical crying on the steps, My cousin V, is bawling....the police are trying to sort all this out. My Uncle gets mad and starts yelling at Lynn...Lynn...starts yelling at him....the Police are saying she is crazy for calling in a false police report....My Uncle has words with the deputy...
Nobody got arrested...thank goodness. My Uncle is pissed. The police aren't that happy either.
V. called my Aunt and she was already on the road, had to tell her to turn around...
I've been getting calls all day about my crazy family. I'm just glad nobody called my mom in the nursing home, she would have flipped.
Wes my cousin said it looked like a circus out there....
Sometimes I'm glad I live where I do....If I drank, I think this would be the day I could use a drink..*sighs*