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Politics & Legal > Writer Undergoes Waterboarding ...

Writer Undergoes Waterboarding ...

Christopher Hitchens then wrote of his experience, which lasted 17 seconds as you seen. That look on his face is very telling. Jason Linkon wrote of this on the Huff post , pay attention to this part of his piece.

They told me that when I activated the 'dead man's handle' - which is a simple process, you simply release something, let it go - I didn't do that. I practically, even though my hands were bound, I...as near as I could...I threw the thing out of my hand. I mean, I really wanted it to stop.

I could swear I shouted the code word, but I hadn't.

Everything completely goes on you when you're breathing water. You can't think about anything else.

It would be bad enough if you did have something. Suppose if they wanted to know where a relative of yours was...or a lover. You feel, "Well, I'm going to betray them now. Because this has to come to an end. I can't take this anymore." But what if you didn't have anything? What if you'd got the wrong guy? Then you would be in danger of losing your mind very quickly.

That last paragraph, I believe, is critical, especially considering the torture practices of the Chinese Communists - who we are now emulating - were designed to elicit false confessions from those who were tortured.

Attention should be paid to the aftermath of the experience as well, which Hitchens relates thusly:

As a result of this very brief experience, if I do anything that gets my heart rate up, and I'm breathing hard, panting, I have a slight panic sensation that I'm not going to be able to catch my breath again...lately I've been having this feeling of waking up feeling smothered, trying to push everything off my face.

posted on July 3, 2008 10:49 AM ()


Wow, I could not even watch it. What a wuss I must be. I question how much reliable info can actually be gleaned from torture because I recognize people may say or do anything to make it stop.
comment by dragonflyby on July 5, 2008 6:25 AM ()
This is so hard to look at and to read. It is unfathonable that WE are the ones doing it. Have we lost our humaniy? The worst part is that even if the guilty ones were being tortured, doesn't it make sense that even they would simply make something up? Especially if they were guilty... Those that had nothing to tell... that is too terrible to think about.
comment by sunlight on July 4, 2008 2:33 PM ()
We studied torture and more specifically waterboarding in my Philosophy of Law class. We were presented with the scenario that an entire large city was going to be blown to oblivion and uninhabitable for decades, and the person who knew how to stop it was in custody. Then we were asked if torture was morally justified by the following 5 reasons:
1. torturing the terrorist will probably save thousands of innocent lives;
2. there is no other way to save those lives;
3. the threat to life is imminent;
4. thousands are about to be murdered and the terrorist has no good justifactory moral reason for murdering them;
5. the terrorist is known to be morally responsible for planning, transporting, and arming the nuclear device and, if it explodes he will be morally responsible for the murder of thousands.

Let me tell ya, class discussion was intense that day!

I had a hard time watching this video even though the event was in a controlled environment with the clear understanding it would be stopped immediately when requested. Soooo scary
comment by jennrud on July 4, 2008 12:15 PM ()
Happy 'Fourth of July' James
comment by augusta on July 4, 2008 8:50 AM ()
Soldiers and/or contractors. Don't leave out the contractor thugs.
comment by ekyprogressive on July 4, 2008 2:06 AM ()
It's torture and this and worse things continue...just fly em to another country. As for doing things that other people do justifies us doing it, lowers ourselves to their brutality. Should we throw them in ovens and forget about them like Hitler did?Those horrible pictures tell a thousand stories...how could American Soldiers treat fellow humans that way continues to shock me...
comment by strider333 on July 3, 2008 11:13 PM ()
From the teror cells there are videos of public beatings, floggings, decapitations, and explosions into "bits" by the other side is acceptable but water boarding is not? What is an acceptable interrigation method? Further, my understanding is this has happened to three people? Not to mention waterboarding has not been used since 2003 and has been specifically prohibited since Gen. Michael Hayden took over as CIA director.

What about the FACT that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who subsequently confessed to a number of ongoing plots against the United States.Who also admitted thatadmitted it was only because of the waterboarding that he talked and that he was humiliated -- not by the treatment but by the fact that a woman, a red-headed CIA supervisor, was allowed to witness the spectacle
comment by mmmhollywould on July 3, 2008 2:36 PM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on July 3, 2008 11:25 AM ()

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