James M.


James M.
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Life & Events > Relationships > He Talks Funny, Must Be Stupid ...

He Talks Funny, Must Be Stupid ...

I kind of expected people to be taken back by my deep Kentucky/Tenn border accent when I got here to Delaware, but you know, talking differently doesn't make someone stupid. Why this assumption seems to play I don't know. Yes, we south-east Kentuckians talk slower than these people in the north, we drop our final letters on some words, and we say things like, "Going to get a pop" or "I'm fixin to check on it right now." but come on. Those of you who have spoke with me on the phone, know what I mean. But you know, I went to Nursing School too, got As (except in level 4, that was hard and concentrated and one of my clinical instructors was a total bitch who made all male nurses work harder. But I don't need a lecture on the normal ranges of glucose and potassium levels. I know them by heart. I can even tell you that for every 0.1 drop in blood pH, there will be an inverse rise in potassium concentrations in the blood by around 0.6 meq. I have picked up lots of these little facts working with doctors in critical care. This isn't my first time with a critical patient. I live for this, and political discourse too of course.
So anyways, giving report to the day shift nurse put me in this again. She acted like she didn't believe a word I was telling her about the patient! And asked for verification by my preceptor. Then after having Pissed me off to no end, has the nerve to ask me with a smirk, "So what part of the south are you from?"
I started to steal a line from a famous comedian, who when asked the same thing, replied,"I am from where they don't end their sentences with prepositions." But I held back. Those on nights with me are starting to get this, and of course, I blew them away when they made the mistake of asking me what I thought about the presidential race..LOL. Made one obvious republican huff real big and walk off. I tend to be good at pissing them off though.
But anyway, why the big deal with how someone talks. As long as they "aint" talkin 'bout pink elephants, who gives a rat's ass?!

posted on Feb 18, 2008 11:55 AM ()


Would love to hear you speaking dutch with your accent!
comment by itsjustme on Feb 19, 2008 2:53 AM ()
I think New Yawkers talk funny with their bottel and not using g's--I love the Southern accent so keep on talking 'funny'!!!

Is there still discrimination against MALE nurses, especially in the industry???
comment by greatmartin on Feb 18, 2008 4:26 PM ()
You ought to hear me,New England accent,Then do have a Brooklyn
accent.Wat yuse got dere.I dunno.That is me at times dropping
my vowels.James,English was one of my worse.Improved some.NOt
much.Gee,I feel so ignorance writing at times.
But,I try.Don't hate me cause of this.
comment by fredo on Feb 18, 2008 1:14 PM ()
I like the "ending sentences with prepositions" remark! Once, Winston Churchill was called out for ending a sentence in preposition during a speech. He immediately told his host, (the one who make the comment), that he was leaving because, "There are certain things up with which I shall not put!"
If you ask me, people show their stupidity and their ignorance when they prejudge anybody for any reason. As a born and bred northerner, I apologize to you for my colleague's rude behavior!
comment by hayduke on Feb 18, 2008 12:15 PM ()

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