I kind of expected people to be taken back by my deep Kentucky/Tenn border accent when I got here to Delaware, but you know, talking differently doesn't make someone stupid. Why this assumption seems to play I don't know. Yes, we south-east Kentuckians talk slower than these people in the north, we drop our final letters on some words, and we say things like, "Going to get a pop" or "I'm fixin to check on it right now." but come on. Those of you who have spoke with me on the phone, know what I mean. But you know, I went to Nursing School too, got As (except in level 4, that was hard and concentrated and one of my clinical instructors was a total bitch who made all male nurses work harder. But I don't need a lecture on the normal ranges of glucose and potassium levels. I know them by heart. I can even tell you that for every 0.1 drop in blood pH, there will be an inverse rise in potassium concentrations in the blood by around 0.6 meq. I have picked up lots of these little facts working with doctors in critical care. This isn't my first time with a critical patient. I live for this, and political discourse too of course.
So anyways, giving report to the day shift nurse put me in this again. She acted like she didn't believe a word I was telling her about the patient! And asked for verification by my preceptor. Then after having Pissed me off to no end, has the nerve to ask me with a smirk, "So what part of the south are you from?"
I started to steal a line from a famous comedian, who when asked the same thing, replied,"I am from where they don't end their sentences with prepositions." But I held back. Those on nights with me are starting to get this, and of course, I blew them away when they made the mistake of asking me what I thought about the presidential race..LOL. Made one obvious republican huff real big and walk off. I tend to be good at pissing them off though.
But anyway, why the big deal with how someone talks. As long as they "aint" talkin 'bout pink elephants, who gives a rat's ass?!