These are the questions, for whoever gets tagged next, I'll send you guys messages today, after I see who has been hit already..
1. How old are you? ---32
2. What is your favorite color? ---Purple
3. How old were you when you got your first kiss? ---First "real" kiss, 8th Grade.
4. Did you ever do something illegal? ---I plea the fifth...
5. What was one of your most embarrassing moments in life? My baby sister, not yet in school, was with me in Lexington. At the time, I was going to the tanning bed and stuff. Well, a young African American woman gets on the elevator in the hospital with us, and my sister, having never seen someone with darker skin before, said.."You go to the tanning bed like my bubby." The look she gave us said it all....
6. Did you ever win anything major? ---Major, no.
7. Who was your first love? It was my best friend growing up, named Eric. Unfortunately, he was just "experimenting" and didn't realize I was gay and would get real feelings for him and a major rejection complex that would linger for a while after. Of course, it also helps if you are "experimenting" to not use the "L" word or act like it is really about more than sex. So now he's somewhere married with kids.
8. What was your first car? ---1991 Toyota Celica (black)
9. What is your favorite dessert? ---Hot fudge brownie, with Ice cream and nuts..
10. Have you ever been skinny dipping? ----Yep
11. Have you ever been out of the USA?---- Not yet, but would love to visit England, Greece &/or Australia.
12. What is your most "unfavorite" food? ----Chinese food, I can't even stand the smell of it..
13. Do you have a hobby? ----Blogging, news watching, Video games and role playing games like AD&D.
14. Are you a jealous person? ----I can be, depending on the subject and how I feel about it..
15. What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness?--- I have a mild obsessive/Compulsive issue, that makes me read up and take extra classes or the like with things that interest me, because I want to be well informed. Its also a weakness, because I never really feel like I am prepared enough for anything.
Now, I suppose I have to pick 3 other bloggers and tag them too. I will let you know through messaging, I want to look around and see who has already been "hit".