James M.


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Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > Oil Prices, New Torture Photos, Vets vs War Crimes

Oil Prices, New Torture Photos, Vets vs War Crimes

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You are hearing the current state of oil prices and a new tactic to try and keep us in Iraq, compliments of the Rachel Maddow Show.

New photos from the Abu Gharib prison have come out. Actually, I had seen a few of these before. Remember, we don't torture, so said the Decider...

Lets hope that this type of prison environment, caused by the leadership and NOT by a "few bad apples" doesn't cross over to our prisons in the U.S. as well. With the U.S. being one of the top nations for incarcerating it's own people (1 in 100 people), that's going to be a bunch of "not tortured" tortured Americans.

Hey, speaking of war crimes initiated from the upper levels of power, U.S. Vets of Afghanistan and Iraq plan on going to Washington, and telling all their war crime horror stories. That won't help republican chances this year, since this is their baby after all, and since McCain said 100 years more in Iraq is fine with him.

Speaking of my buddy John McCain, seems his desire for fiscal responsibility has a limit. It's limited to everyone but him...
WASHINGTON — Senator McCain, who as a legislator backed giving more power to the Federal Election Commission, now faces a clash with it as a presidential candidate.

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, said yesterday that he would file a complaint today urging the FEC to investigate Mr. McCain for violating the spending limits and other conditions of an agreement he struck when he became eligible for public matching funds for the Republican primary.

Dr. Dean, a former Vermont governor who ran for president four years ago, suggested Mr. McCain was acting as a hypocrite by trying to circumvent a campaign finance program he has championed.

"This is a classic example of someone who talks one way and then does the other when it benefits him," Dr. Dean told reporters yesterday in a conference call..

No surprise really, McCain has flipped on nearly every position he had now that he is certainly the Republican presidential Candidate. Now he is reading right from the neo-con's scripts.

Why did the left scream and shout when we learned about the firing of U.S. attorneys and using department heads as political props. Because the consequence of a government tainted by one party's ideology is things like this. The Don Siegelman incident.
Don Siegelman, a popular Democratic governor of Alabama, a Republican state, was framed in a crooked trial, convicted on June 29, 2006, and sent to Federal prison by the corrupt and immoral Bush administration.

The frame-up of Siegelman and businessman Richard Scrushy is so crystal clear and blatant that 52 former state attorney generals from across America, both Republicans and Democrats, have urged the US Congress to investigate the Bush administration's use of the US Department of Justice to rid themselves of a Democratic governor who "they could not beat fair and square," according to Grant Woods, former Republican Attorney General of Arizona and co-chair of the McCain for President leadership committee. Woods says that he has never seen a case with so "many red flags pointing to injustice."

Alternet also had a really good post titled "How Right-wing Ideology broke the U.S. Economy" that helps show why this "Free Market" hoopla cannot exist without regulations, and attempts to do so are not just failures, but damaging for the nation that walks that path.

posted on Mar 3, 2008 11:29 PM ()


how did I miss this.?McCain could be scary there.Why is this the
only man do run for Prez?I hope O or Hillary beat him.
I am afraid that he is going to get it.The democratic party need
to get on the ball there and get after him.
At this time there is no Nice guy
comment by fredo on Mar 5, 2008 1:47 PM ()
A lot of things to get angry in this post. The prison pics the story of McCain and the story of Siegelman And all are happening in the "free" united states.... sounds sad James!
comment by itsjustme on Mar 4, 2008 4:12 AM ()

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