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Politics & Legal > Sarah Palin: Wrecking the Mccain Campaign.

Sarah Palin: Wrecking the Mccain Campaign.

You know, when they first brought her out, I remember the conservatives going absolutely wild for her. They stood by this obvious political choice, a bad judgment among many others on Grandpa McSame's behalf, which was designed to appeal to the right-wing nut base. And it did. But now...Lookie at what is happening now with Carabu Barbie.
Our own Republican blogger whereabouts is calling for some honesty in regards to the Palin pick from her fellow Republicans. However, admitting error is something many republicans don't want to do.
Now, Aside from the fact that she is a moron, that she beleives that humans and dinosaurs co-existed, that she had the only town in Alaska as mayor that had a rule to charge women for their own rape kits, and that McCain's own campaign insiders are calling her "Clueless", What is her effect on the campaign? Can you say sinking ship?
And now, it's not just the bloggers who are saying something is wrong with her. The conservative columists and media have some issues too...

While some journalists say privately they are censoring
their comments about Palin to avoid looking like they're piling on,
pundits on the right are jumping ship. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough says Palin "just seems out of her league." National Review Editor Rich Lowry called her performance "dreadful." Dallas Morning News columnist Rod Dreher described the interview as a "train wreck." Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker urged Palin to quit the race, saying: "If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself."

interview is drawing extraordinary attention because of the McCain
campaign's calculated decision to shield Palin from reporters. No
vice-presidential nominee in modern history has been this inaccessible
to the media, reinforcing the perception that she can't hit
major-league pitching. When the networks balked at recording Palin's
photo ops with foreign leaders at the U.N. last week unless journalists were allowed in -- and a CNN producer was
granted access for all of 29 seconds -- the no-press dictum degenerated
into farce. [WaPo]

But hey, she makes for some great SNL skits. I think Tina Fey may be the greatest political enemy of the McBush Camp at this point!

posted on Sept 30, 2008 9:18 AM ()


Reading all links here its becoming something like a soap opera. Imagine McCain will win...... Lets hope it never will happen.
Thx for this post again James!
comment by itsjustme on Oct 1, 2008 1:52 AM ()
Sarah Palin turned out to be the exact opposite of what the Republicans said she was...she's frightening...and I mean no negativity by this but just the reality of it all...she's a flaming idiot?
comment by strider333 on Sept 30, 2008 4:25 PM ()
Rice would have been an interesting choice, but Jon is right it would have been a tough sell in the south.
comment by redwolftimes on Sept 30, 2008 10:31 AM ()
I thought McCain's choice of her reflects poorly on his ability to carefully pick a cabinet and ambassadors if he wins. If he chose any woman it should have been Condoleeza Rice, which the deep south wouldn't go for. Maybe Kay Hutchinson.
comment by jondude on Sept 30, 2008 9:34 AM ()

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