James M.


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Politics & Legal > Sarah Palin as Vp? it Feels like Christmas!

Sarah Palin as Vp? it Feels like Christmas!

In my recent Comment to AR's post about Sarah Palin as McCain's Choice for Vice President, I ended up covering alot of ground, and I thought I would share some of this with you guys, in case you missed AR's post or hadn't heard much about Sarah...

Um, actually it was Sarah Palin who started comparing herself to Hillary, trying to sway the female vote...

"But it turns out the women of America aren't finished yet and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all," she said."

This was a cheap ploy, an attempt by McCain to bring what he thought
was disenfranchised women to his camp. I mean we know McCain thinks
women are inferior and stupid, he calls his own (second) wife a C*nt
and said after the recent equal pay for equal work which he was AGAINST
that if women wanted to bridge the pay gap they just needed "more
education". Of course, no woman who supported Hillary on any other
basis other than wanting someone with a pair of breasts as VP would
support Sarah. I mean, a creationism teaching, rabid anti-choice to the
point of saying that even incest or rape is not an acceptable reason to
even have THE OPTION of ending the pregnancy, a few "ethics
",and a runner up in a beauty pagent. And yes, she was a
Mayor, of a town of what 5000 people? I mean, I feel like it is
Christmas in August! LOL.

This pick speaks volumes about McCain's Judgement, or lack thereof.

The fact that she is also so inexperienced and that conservatives are
ignoring that fact negates every word they said against Obama's resume
and shines once again the GOP's hypocrisy. Would you HONESTLY be
confortable with this woman perhaps having to deal with, say Putin, for
example while McCain is having his bone density scan?

And regarding what you said...

"Govenor Palin- would NOT be president if elected, (unless, something happened to McCain.)"

----McCain is 72, and has himself stated his age is an issue, by the
end of his term he will be 76-77. U.S. Life expectancy is 77.4 years according to the CDC, cutting it a little close aren't we? Then, factor in two run-ins with cancer, and 1,173 pages of health records, and Sara really starts to look like a bad pick. At least Obama chose someone with both extensive experience in both foreign relations and
the Judiciary committees. And his pick isn't statistically at high risk
to expire or start having "cognitive issues" so at least he will be
around to compliment his abilities.

Obama was elected to the Senate in 2004, but for some reason, when people discuss his "experience", they strangely omit that he was in the Illinois State Senate as well from 1997-2004.Then of course that whole teaching constitutional law thing and editor of the "Harvard Law Review", I know the past 8 years the Republicans in
power have all but urinated on that pesky constitution and those pesky
laws that get in their way, but the fact that he knows the constitution
that well is obviously a plus.

Oh and on a side note, Sarah once had the Nickname "Baracuda" (thus the song choice).


posted on Aug 31, 2008 10:09 AM ()


You should have heard McCain defend Palin to Brian Williams Sun night. How pathetic it was. Yet, knowing the stupidity of the American public (see how Annie:0 from Oregon remarks that her husband was jumping around in glee at the announcement), don't count the Republicans out.
comment by solitaire on Sept 1, 2008 8:07 AM ()
for=on lol
comment by itsjustme on Sept 1, 2008 7:48 AM ()
"Heart is great to listen to, her voice is awesome" crazy for you still is my fav.
comment by itsjustme on Sept 1, 2008 7:47 AM ()
Palin trying to "deal with Putin while McCain is having his bone density scan"
As only a nurse could imagine...
comment by drmaus on Aug 31, 2008 10:31 PM ()
you wont belive it but I payed barracude several times this week. I liked it very much when it was a hit here lol. From now on reading about Paling will remind me to this song lol. Good post James!
comment by itsjustme on Aug 31, 2008 5:19 PM ()
She'll make it much easier for Obama in November.
comment by jondude on Aug 31, 2008 1:52 PM ()

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