James M.


James M.
Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > Palin's Efforts to Sucede Alaska from the U.S.

Palin's Efforts to Sucede Alaska from the U.S.

links provided, for more information
    Previously, I have covered Sarah Palin and my issues with her. Being the governor of one of the most corrupted states in the Union is one thing, then we go from wanted to teach creationism to the troopergate scandal and then over to pipelines.  From what I have read, the scandals have nearly caused her to lose her position as a Mayor.
Personally, I don't care about the kid issue, and if you think that she
or ANY republican for that matter would seriously overturn Roe v. Wade
considering how many votes it gets them around election time with that
false promise, you really are in lala land.
But of all the stuff out there on this woman, this one takes the cake! So much for unity...

ABC News Confirms That McCain's VP Pick Was AIP Member

Mon Sep 01, 2008 at 05:03:50 PM PDT

ABC News:

Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once
so independent, she was once a member of their party, which since the
1970s has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether
or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.

And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country
First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First --
Alaska Always."

We've been exploring the AIP all day here, here and here.  Did Palin agree with the group's platform?

She doesn't know what Palin's position was.
"It never came up in conversation," Clark recalls. "But when she joined the party our platform was right under her nose."

And what does the AIP believe?

(more in the link provided above)


posted on Sept 2, 2008 1:20 AM ()


comment by whereabouts on Sept 2, 2008 7:42 PM ()
Ha! Classic! Great post, James!
comment by whereabouts on Sept 2, 2008 7:33 AM ()
nice comment as well lol
comment by itsjustme on Sept 2, 2008 5:11 AM ()
How is it possible in the US you can fire people just for not suppoerting you in ur race for mayor????
comment by itsjustme on Sept 2, 2008 2:29 AM ()

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