James M.


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Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > Mccain Does Not Speak, for Mccain?!?

Mccain Does Not Speak, for Mccain?!?

Oh my god, this just cracks me up. Will McCain reject the endorsement of John McCain, will he Rebuke the statements of John McCain. How can anyone take this man seriously, you don't even know his positions after all the flip-flops and statements that contrast his own voting record. LOL

McCain may not speak for the McCain campaign

The Tax Policy Center prepared an interesting report (pdf) this week, noting the key differences between the economic
policies articulated by John McCain and the economic policies presented by John McCain’s presidential campaign. There’s a bit of a gap — to the tune of $2.8
trillion (that’s “trillion,” with a “t”).

According to the study, the tax plan McCain’s campaign
laid out privately is different from the one he’s selling on the stump.
If you include the policies he has advocated publicly—such as repealing
the Alternative Minimum Tax, increasing the dependent exemption to $7,000 right away, and reducing the corporate tax rate to 25 percent immediately—then the deficit after 10 years would actually be $2.8 trillion greater than if you go by his private plan. There’s also a rhetorical gap for Obama, but in his case the public version generates
more revenue than the private one, thanks to a suggested hike in payroll taxes for people who make $250,000 or more.

How does the McCain campaign respond to this? As it turns out, hilariously.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain’s chief economic adviser, told Slate, “[McCain] has certainly I’m sure said things in town halls” that don’t jibe perfectly with his written plan. But that doesn’t mean it’s official.”
Got that? If we want to better understand John McCain’s economic policies, we should overlook what John McCain says about his economic policies. McCain’s “official” positions don’t come from McCain....

More in the link provided...

posted on July 30, 2008 3:18 PM ()


This whole politico "spin" thing is getting to be too much for me. I get too angry and upset. And I worry that McFarce will be elected by the ignorant people that we are. I'm going on sabbatical.
comment by solitaire on Aug 2, 2008 7:11 AM ()
Oh, I hope folks pay as much attention to stuff like this as they do to discrediting "my guy"!
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 1, 2008 5:02 PM ()
Our last Prime minister did that... made extravagant promises, got elected, then when questioned on why nothing was done just stared at the cameras and said as if the reporters were nuts, "But... they weren't 'core' promises." its now a standinf joke, 'is that a core promise?"SAD]
comment by clovis on July 31, 2008 3:53 AM ()
The Swift Boat campaign started about this time in 2004. The MSM didn't check the basis of their claims. The cable networks gave them 24/7 free publicity for weeks. Shock radio chimed in.
The Dems went on the defensive and the rigged voting machines stopped their clock.
Sure, Obama would win a fair election in a landslide. The route to a 'fair' election looks to be land mined.
comment by bumpedoff on July 30, 2008 11:47 PM ()
McCain is out of it.He is losing it or will be soon.
This man is going to be creamed.
comment by fredo on July 30, 2008 4:10 PM ()

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