Is Hillary do this to prep for her campaign in 2012...I say...DUH.
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Thom Hartman vs Blackwater vp...
posted on Mar 24, 2008 10:00 PM ()
Sorry to be the one to spoil the fun but I do think Barack Obama is too new to the game. Color and gender has nothing to do with this race. He talks more trash than Hillary and he gets all the support. When Oprah endorses someone everybody turns to sheep and follows her lead. I'll have Obama's back if he wins the primary. Better him than another war monger like John Mc Cain. Truthfully I think Hillary would make a great president. If she were to win, she could take advise from Bill. Despite his flaws, the country was in great shape. Gas was cheaper and we didn't have over 4,000 dead soldiers. Bill had to clean up messes from both Ronald Reagan and George Bush sr. It will take another Clinton to clean up the mess Chimp Bush made of this country. Peace.
I'm sure she is doing it deliberately... she is not a nice woman - you can tell by her body language. and shes as much in the pockets of big business as any republican. Talk about a poisoned chalice! Poor Obama. Poorer USA!
Not sure I will be around to miss all the fun. Right now it is frucking boring.