James M.


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Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > Tactics of the Right, Mccain vs the Catholics.

Tactics of the Right, Mccain vs the Catholics.

I HATE this Dell. I so have to get me an Apple again, I just wrote a big post and then I don't know what I pressed, but boom, all gone.
A recent blogger on here showed me some of the things that McCain endorser John Hagee had said, referring to the Catholic church as a whore and all this...

Now, I have said, I could care less what someone who endorses these candidates believe, because their beliefs ARE NOT the same as those of the candidate. With one exception, if the endorsement is sought out. McCain sought out the endorsements of Hagee and Parsley. But I see this as an attempt to "swift boat" Obama, and sadly it seems to be working. Yes, the American people are that stupid. They are ignoring the freaks that McCain has ASKED for the support of, to go on and on about someone who endorsed Obama of his own free will. The Hillary camp, is loving this. Neither democratic candidate will be chosen until August anyway, since the super-delegates are needed to pick the winner, and this whole mess has been encouraged by pundits on the right.
As the board of election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the state's 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore -- under penalty of law -- allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to vote for Hillary Clinton?

In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the nation's top-rated talk radio host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party's primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what Limbaugh and others had suggested -- they changed parties to vote for Clinton....

It is easier to hide your own views, rather they are racist, sexist or whatever, by allowing the other party to pick themselves apart, then not have but 3 months to campaign for the actual election, isn't it...

posted on Mar 24, 2008 9:12 PM ()


Funny you mentioned this about Dell.I have a Dell laptop
not quite a year old and been having this sort of problem.
Thought it was me all along did not realized that there
be many people out there going through the same thing.
We have to vote down McCain or Rambo.
comment by fredo on Mar 25, 2008 10:44 AM ()

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