Eddie Harrison


Eddie Harrison
Henderson, NV
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Politics & Legal > Let's Limit Executive's Salaries

Let's Limit Executive's Salaries

posted on Sept 17, 2012 9:20 AM ()


No retirement salaries for elected officials, and no lifetime benefits for ex-Presidents, either - except for a couple of Secret Service guards. That's my desire. But it won't happen.
comment by jondude on Sept 18, 2012 8:15 PM ()
When I was in high school, the President's salary was $300,000/year. Interesting what inflation has done since then. Those congressional "for life" salaries are what get me. I'm not so offended by the president's salary being for life, maybe being $450,000 for life is a little offensive but the congressional salaries for life are BS. Precisely why Ron Paul gifted much of his congressional salary back to the U.S. Treasury (I think he deducted out-of-pocket expenses first then gifted the remainder back); he believes that it is a service to your country to donate your time and it's not a career.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 18, 2012 4:00 AM ()
I hope you're not suggesting that Republicans don't do the same. Actually, their middle name is "Greedy" and "I've Got Mine an you all'n kiin go f yaselfs." And if you doubt this, see the latest flap about Romney's talk to a private group and whadayaknow someone taped it.
reply by tealstar on Sept 18, 2012 4:40 AM ()
You do realize, do you not, that this is a very Progressive/Liberal agenda?
comment by tealstar on Sept 17, 2012 5:59 PM ()
Get real, tealstar.

Both parties are full of scum-sucking pigs. Your pathetic attempt to infer that I'm taking political sides on this fruitless topic has nothing to do with anything I said in my comment, nor anything I've insinuated (since I'm very direct and brutally honest, I don't step that low to insinuate anything, I just say it). The my-party-is-great-and-yours-sucks person is you, and your reply to me is simply you looking for a "one-sided sees all" fight. I suggest you look elsewhere. I'm happy to tell you off but I'll not engage in some stupid political playground fight with you. Besides, I would never stoop so low to engage in a fight with someone so lacking in wit. It's just not fair.
reply by whereabouts on Sept 18, 2012 6:59 AM ()
Progressively inflating itself, for certain. The agenda is mob-like and these a-holes voted themselves permanent salaries a long time ago then new and improved a-holes keep increasing their own salaries while really stupid Americans continue to votes these same morons back into office.
reply by whereabouts on Sept 18, 2012 4:03 AM ()
Plus don't forget they get 'perks' along with that, like secret service guards, not to mention they can make a fortune writing a book(s), doing lectures/speeches, etc., BUT Eddie this has been on the Internet for years and guess who would have to vote for the cuts???? Yes, they would!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 17, 2012 9:57 AM ()
Wow!yes I do agreed and this is sinful as far as I am concern.
The Vets are the one that are getting short change by all of this.
Lot of our taxes bucko there with the retired Prez.
comment by fredo on Sept 17, 2012 9:39 AM ()

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