They all have a meaning and I want to make sure that if I am putting anything on my body perm. I want to be happy with it
well maybe the mower had it coming
I am about half way though that book, I just finished the chapter about the 60's (about 1/2 way though now) It's fantastic so far.
ouch. mine used to do that with his cars and trucks from time to time. My back will never be the same after skating across the floor on one of those darn things
The feather pillow thing sounds too funny.
This was a fantasic series. I was sad that there was never another "adventure" especially since it was set up at the end to have one.
I'm such an avid reader as well. I don't read mysteries that often though, but one author I do like is Carl Haaisan (sp?) He wrote a book called "Basket Case" that was fantastic
Feel Better
I hadn't heard about this. I have to check it out
yeesh, people can be such slugs
boo hiss
If it is a small business a minimum purchase is almost a necessity anymore. It's a sad thing, but a very real one. At least you know this already and don't have to learn it when you have a place of your own
Honey you look so cute like that, all deer in the headlights and right arm stuck out holding the camera. What I can see of the Tattoo looks really good though. I love getting tham, I have 5 and am designing my next one now. (watch out they are addicting)
You know, people all over the world cheat and lie and have children out of wedlock. Because John Edwards is a public figure we are all shocked that he could do this, but it really is so common. Now I am not saying that this kind of behaviour is allright, but the way tabloids like Enquirer sensationalize it is even more shamefull than the act itself. Using the phrase "lovechild" over and over again is one thing that irks me more than anything, that and the fact that Edwards' wife has cancer. Is seeing her personal life splashed all over the cover of magazines everywhere she goes going to aid her recovery? I think not. Sadly there has never been a time in the age of media, where public figures can deal with private problems in the way they should be delt with. Privately