Many of you have been wondering (at least in my twisted mind)where the hell have you been, Draco? Well I've been in my home sweet home. I already wrote about my trip to So Cal for Gramma's memorial (it really wasn't a funeral but a celebration of her life on this Earth and beyond.) Well I've actually been reflecting on life. Boss Bitch pushed me too far last Friday and I quit for real. I'm not going back. I'm pounding the pavement looking for new employment. PD was pissed at first but is really helping me beef up my resume. In fact on Saturday I went around gathering job aps then we went to see The Dark Knight. Yes I thought PD and I were the last people in America that hadn't saw it until the guy at the ticket window admitted he didn't see it yet (and the brother works at a movie theater.) It was awesome. I also had rented from Netflix Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. Is it me or are Harold and Kumar trying to be this generation's Cheech and Chong? If you get a chance rent this movie and the first one Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. You'll see what I mean. PD and I have been watching alot of movies on DVD because we ditched our cable in favor of satellite and DSL. We have the DSL but don't have the TV. The reason being is that they ran out of DVRs (Digital Video Recorders for those unfamiliar with the term.) I wanted the DVR because I can record one thing and watch another. I know it sounds like a VCR and it is except for the fact that it has no tapes and you can pause live TV. I'm getting pissed off because they have bumped me three times already. The first two times because the installer was behind schedule and the third because of the DVR. I'm not crawling back to cable. Heeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll no. Those bastards pissed me off. I called about a question on what I could do to lower my bill and their response was: "We can't keep throwing you promotions." What the f**k?!? I didn't ask for a promotion. Yes they did pacify me with promotions to keep me from leaving but I just wanted a lower bill. I was tired of rising rates. Then the bitch was just plain rude to me interrupting me when I spoke. I finally called my phone company and got hooked up with DSL and (hopefully) DISH Network. Anyone living in an area covered by Charter Communications better be warned. If you have their service, prepare for customer service to suck big time. They will be rude to you. I'm back and ready to rant big time.
'nuff said
Ah, boss #####. Good for you for quitting! I wish I had a little bit of saving to get by - I certainly would quit!!!