Not only am I getting another visitor, it's another cousin. This time my cousin, Dilligan, is coming(obviously not his real name.) He'll be here tomorrow unless he decides to come early. I don't think I've mentioned him before. He still lives with his parents at 34. They are also with him as well as my grandfather and another aunt(The Colonel.) The Colonel is the only one I'm not looking forward to seeing. She bitches and moans about everything. She's the type that wants everyone to be as miserable as her. I'm hoping that they dump her off at Chinook Winds Casino because that's the only place that brings her joy when she comes to The Coast. She just filed for bankrupsy and lives with her father(my grandfather.) Enough ranting about The Colonel. I'm planning on going with Dilligan this Friday to the Surf City car show. If he would have gave me enough notice I could have got us Beach Boys tickets too. They sold out months ago. Sucks to be Dilligan. I'll show him a good time anyway. Maybe help him find a girl and get him laid.
'nuff said.