Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Cities & Towns > A Recent Letter to the Editor

A Recent Letter to the Editor

I recently wrote a letter to the editor of my local newspaper, The Newsguard, regarding why we should be kinder to tourists. I'm placing it in my post for you to read:

Be kind to tourists; we need them here
Why do the people here not want tourists to come visit Lincoln City?
This is such a nice place to visit yet we make it hard to shop downtown in Oceanlake by not stopping for them in the crosswalks or trying to run them down with either segweys or skateboards on the sidewalks.
We even don't want them to stay the night in a nice rental home.
My tourist friends even overheard a cashier at a grocery store telling another person how summers are just terrible around here when the tourists invade.
I won't mention the grocery store because I don't want them to lose tourist dollars which is what helps us survive around here.
So, please be nicer to tourists.
When there's a crowd of them, don't try to run them down with your skateboard. Walk with it until you know it's safe to ride again. In fact we have a killer skate park. Ride it there. That's why all that money was put into it.
Also segweys are for lazy people. Walking is a better way to boost cardiovascular health and maintain a healthy body.
Plus riding a segwey makes you look like an idiot and gives a bad impression to those tourists we want to spend their money here.

The reason I've put this letter here was someone somehow got my home phone number and harrassed me about my comments on Segwey riders. He said I was making fun of the handicapped. HUH?!? Where in there did I mention about being against the handicapped? He said making those comments about segwey riders were saying bad things about the handicapped. How can a hadicapped person ride a segwey? You have to stand up to ride it. Physically handicapped people cannot stand up for long periods of time. When this guy mentioned who he was(he said he rides his segwey while his wife powerwalks) I knew who he was. A lot of people make fun of him because his wife looks healthy and he's a fat ass. I don't care that he disagreed with me. I was pissed he said he obtained my personal information from the The Newsguard. I called and spoke with the managing editor and she said that there was no way that she gave him that information. All I wanted to do was let people know how badly tourists were being treated. If you think I was bad mouthing the handicapped please let me know.
'nuff said.

posted on Sept 2, 2008 10:05 AM ()

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