Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Parenting & Family > Childcare > Kids Playing in the Streets

Kids Playing in the Streets

Since when did streets become playgrounds? I can understand kids riding their bicycles. I don't get the ones that play soccer, football, and baseball. One stray ball and there goes my window. I've even seen kids drawing with sidewalk chalk in the middle of the street. I can't believe the parents that think it's ok for their kid to be playing in the street and wrong for a driver to honk their horn at the kids for being in the street. I'm sorry but I thought that cars were suppose to drive in the street. If it's ok for kids to play in the street then is it ok for me to drive on your lawn to get home? As I've said before I like kids. They can be pretty cool. I just don't like parents that let their kids do anything they want. Give them boundaries. If the kid wants to play football, baseball, and other sports, take them to the park. If they are old enough, let them go by themselves. Don't encourage them to play in the street. A kid's average weight is between 40 and 80 pounds. A car weighs roughly 3,000 pounds or more. We can't react in time if the kid runs in front of our car. When I was a kid my dad would have beat my butt for playing in the street in front of traffic. Parents now want to be "Disneyland" parents. They don't want to deal with discipline. They want to be the fun parents. Those kids with the Disneyland parents are going to be the ones in prison.

That's all I have to say about this.

posted on Mar 27, 2008 11:23 AM ()


Ah, Elvis... you are everywhere... still. Kids don't play in the streets where I live, thank goodness. But it is the parents' responsibility to teach them basic safety and lots more that they definitely aren't teaching them these days!!
comment by sunlight on Mar 27, 2008 12:10 PM ()

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